☾ one

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god, how can someone be so hot and adorable at the same time?

"you know, if you like him so much, bloody ask him out, dimwit." sadie's voice broke my eyes from his side profile. and his hair. and his eyes. and his shoulders.

he was vividly explaining the history behind one of the closeted statues to a small girl. he wasn't supposed to, but i'd noticed how he always ended up doing everything but his job.

my elbow fell off the side of the gift shop counter, "w-what? no, i don't chase. i- i attract." i said with a weird tone to my voice. i pulled the pieces of my h/c hair that got loose behind my ear.

sadie gave me a look that screamed dumbass. "it's so obvious, it's hilarious at this point. just do it! what's the worst thing that could happen?" she said as she organized toys into their places.

"rejection?" i ran my hands down my face. "i have no idea what to do. this man-"

"would never reject you because he is just as flustered about you." her comment made me blush, looking to the side and grabbing a hippo plushie of the goddess taweret.

"y/n, i'm being serious. he is fucking in love with you. if he could only pluck up the courage to do something about it, then maybe you guys would already have your bloody wedding planned out by now." she began scanning items and putting them in baskets.

"that's a bit of a stretch, but you know me. i can't," i checked my watch and realized my next tour was about to start. "shit, i'm late. let me know if-"

"if he says anything, you know he always does." sadie winked at me as i rolled my eyes and walked towards the entrance of the museum.

sadie and i met on my first day of the job. she kind of scared me at first—i think it was the dark hair, clothes, and make-up—but she turned to be one of my closest friends these past couple of months.

on my way to the forming tour group, my eyes caught an assortment of jewels from the nile. i found myself standing in front of it, admiring its beauty.

egyptian history always had a way of enchanting me. their stories, culture, all of it. i'd loved everything about it, and now i could spread my love for it to others.

"they're beautiful, aren't they?" i recognized the voice next to me immediately, and i got butterflies.

"yes, they are." i looked at steven's reflection through the glass case of the statue.

we always found ourselves in these kind of moments, the ones you never want to end.

his curly hair was parted to the side. his dark eyes were ones i could get lost in and never find my way back out of. he held onto his small bag with his (veiny) hands.

"you should show your tour guides these pieces. i'm sure they'll love them just as much as you do."

i shrugged, "maybe. part of me wants to. the other part of me wants to keep it to myself. as a piece only i know of. the beauty in pieces like this is hard to find. i like to think only a few of us can find it."

"that makes two of us, then."

"Y/N!" donna's voice made the both of us look back towards her. for split second i felt my hand brush against his. "the tour?!"

i checked my watch and realized i was almost 5 minutes late.

"i-i'm sorry, donna, i-i'll be right over."

"and stevie, get back to the gift shop."

"i-it's steven. with a v."

she gave us a very bitchy look, which i returned to the back of her head.

"you have no idea how many times i've had to tell her that."

his remark made me laugh a bit. "i guess i'd better go."

"m-me too." he turned to face me, holding the eye contact. i forced myself to walk past him and towards the tour group, my stomach doing flips.

i looked back at him to see that he never stopped looking at me.

i slumped down next to sadie in the lunch room and put my forehead against the table, "god, that tour was exhausting. they asked me. so. many. stupid. questions."

sadie laughed, "i thought you loved it when they asked you questions. you get to show off your knowledge and what not."

"we'll, yeah, but they were just illogical questions."

"bloody americans."

i lifted my head and glared at her, "hey!" she kept laughing and i shook my head, "are you taking the night shift tonight?" i said, changing the topic.

"no, thank god. mine was yesterday. i think it's steven's and someone else's?" she shrugged and grabbed her bag. i went along with her, grabbing my things as we left the room and out the hall into the museum.

we walked past the security camera area and i caught steven sitting down, reading a book. i plucked up the courage to wave him down, "steven-!" i whisper-yelled to catch his attention.

the second he looked up, his face lit up. "hiya," he whispered back and gave me a wave.

"do you know who's the other person on nightshift tonight?"

he shook his head, "no, i'm worried i'll end up by myself. hopefully they show up. a-actually, i think it's-"

"Y/N! where do you think you're going?" donna's voice boomed across from sadie and i. i slowly turned around to face her , "uh.. home?"

"no, no, you're on nightshift tonight. remember?"

my face flushed and my eyes widened.

"w-what?" i asked.

"did you forget to check the calendar?"

i stayed in my place, frozen.

"yeah, i believe she forgot to check. bloody american mind of hers, innit?" sadie elbowed me and i let out a forced chuckle, "ha, ha. r-right. sorry, donna."

"hm. don't let it happen again, you hear me?" donna stomped away, leaving sadie and i with our backs turned towards steven. sadie quietly started to walk away, but i chased after her, "w-wait! sadie, no, i can't-"

"oh, jesus fuck. no, i'm going home." sadie turned around to leave, but i grabbed her arm, "please, no-! i-"

"nope! goodnight, y/n, let me know how your shift goes!" she yelled loudly enough to get steven's attention, which made me mouth curse words at her as she walked down the steps.

"s-so i guess we're both on night shift tonight?" steven asked from the security cameras. i turned around and saw his book closed in his hand, and the other was hugging his opposite arm.

i let out a shaky breath, grinning to hide my red face, "i guess so."

fuck. nightshifts.

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