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i cleared my throat awkwardly as i sat down next to steven at a stupidly unreasonable distance. i saw him eye the space between us in the corner of my eye, but i ignored it.

he began reading again, his eyes concentrated on the words. i turned to him nervously and asked, "what are you reading? you seem very intrigued." i joked and he chuckled, "it's um, it's actually about how egyptians communicated with one another and their languages," he laughed nervously and closed the book, "you see..."

and with that, he went into a nose-deep explanation of not only his book, but of everything he knew.

the way he was so fascinated with the egyptians only made me fall harder. i watched the way his eyes lit up and the way his body movement changed from anxious and nervous to relaxed and excited. every time he made eye contact with me, he paused for a split second.

everyone once in a while, i added to the conversation. at some point, i found myself nose-deep into conversing with him. i told him everything i knew, and added onto what he'd told me.

by the time we were both out of breath from our high, there's was barely an inch of space left between our seats.

i looked down at his book before holding my hand out, "may i?"

he nodded and placed it in my hand. i felt his fingertips brush mine, heat moving from there to my entire body. chills ran up my spine as i pulled away and looked through the pages. "wow, these graphics are.. amazing."

i looked at him and he was beaming. "they really are. a-and wait until you see the ending. incredible constellations," he said this as he flipped to the ending, trying to find a specific page.

"you see, the egyptians invented modern navigation. there's not a lot of landmarks in the desert. so, they came up with a way about using the sun and the stars. it's bloody genius, innit?"

he finally turned to the last few pages and turned the book my way, "et voilà."

my eyes met so many stars aligning with one another, creating some of the constellations we know today.

"wow... they're-"

"beautiful." i looked from the pages to steven, who was already staring at me.

"th-the constellations, right?" i asked. his face slowly lowered towards mine, and my heart was beating at 1000 miles per hour.

he shook his head and smiled, "no. just you."

my breath hitched as i waited. his eyes moved from mine to my lips, and i did the same.

when i finally broke the silence, i had no time to finish, for his lips crashed into mine.

i dropped the book and moved my hands to hold onto his neck. i felt large and soft hands cup my cheeks as i gripped onto his hair, pulling him in for more.

one of his hands moved down my body, i felt the heat from his touch move down from my face to my neck, arms, and finally my waist.

i opened my mouth and welcomed him in, his tongue licked along my lower lip. my tongue danced with his until finally we ran out of breath.

we pulled away at the same time and he rested his forehead on mine, panting.

"...holy shit." i looked up at steven, and all he could do was stare and nod. "steven-"

"no, wait. let me speak first." he sat up and held both of my hands in his. he cleared his throat, and i could tell he was nervous. he scoffed at himself and looked down, "bloody hell, where do i even start?"

he looked back up and simply smiled. "i've wanted to tell you this since the day you walked into the museum. when you walked into me, i.. i knew. i knew when i saw you stop in-infront of the jewels everytime you passed by, when i saw the way your eyes lit up whenever you went with the tour groups, and when you got excited over, over the little things. like when small children asked you questions about anything. or when you get told about your tours and how amazing they were... y/n, i really, really, really want to be with you. i know i'm not the best at sending signals or anything but... this is my 'signal,' i guess.."

"w..what?" i simply couldn't comprehend what was happening. steven grant was telling me that he wanted to be with me?

i pulled my hand away and pinched my other one, and i felt the pain, confirming that this was in fact real. "holy shit, this is real. y-you're real." my face immediately turned red from embarrassment.

steven laughed and grabbed them again, "why wouldn't i be?"

i shook my head, "i don't know..." i bit my lip and looked at him, "you knew all of those things about me?" i nearly whispered.

he simply nodded his head and blushed. "admiring from afar is my specialty."

i giggled at his comment which made him smile.

suddenly, a thought ran through my head, "hey.. how much longer 'till our shift is over?"

"oh.. i'm not sure.. maybe an hour? why? did i say something, or-" he pulled himself away, worry on his face.

i quickly shook my head and grabbed his cheeks, pulling him back in, "no-! no, you didn't do anything wrong. if anything, i'm.. i'm actually glad you said all this. i just.. wanna get to know the guy that i've been admiring at from afar since i bumped into him a bit more."

his eyes lit up as we both laughed at our corniness. i leaned in and kissed him, pulling him, wanting to feel him close. his hands moved to my waist, wanting to close the distance completely.

i smiled into the kiss when i felt him hug my back, forcing me to basically get on top of him.

never mind.

nightshift ⇢ steven grant | moonknightWhere stories live. Discover now