☾ seven

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"you handled that beautifully."

my breath hitched as i processed who was speaking to me.

i steadied my breathing to help calm myself down. i made myself stand, "why do all men like you feel the need to be.. so.. condescending?"

as much as i wanted to throw him off the cliff and bash his head into the ground, i decided to avoid conflict. anger bubbled inside me as i turned around and walked into the narrow passage way behind me.

"you and i both know.. that marc spector, was the one that got his alias killed. steven grant."

i stopped dead in my tracks.

"i'm sure marc knows this, too. the guilt, he must feel, i'm sure is something even i cannot put into words."

i stood for a moment, my throat feeling as though it was closing. i slowly walked back, my hands turned to fists.

i panted and forced the tears to go away, "marc.. he didn't kill.. steven. you did. you sent your men after him. and got him shot," i kept my voice strong, despite how dry my throat was. "you killed him."

"you truly believe the words of a liar?"

his words made me dig my nails into the palms of my hand.

he held up his staff, which had the head of an alligator on each side. ammit.

"the scales, achieve their judgement by revealing to me moments of sin and pain. and your lover.. he was in agony. more pain than anyone could bear," he slowly sat down, grunting. "and he still hasn't told you the truth."

i snapped at him, "well, you're obviously dying to. so why do you just, go ahead? the floor is yours." i stepped closer to the edge of the cliff. waiting. for something.

"i read his scales. the scales do not lie."

"bullshit." i mumbled, but loud enough for him to hear.

"i saw the truth. about him. and about his plans. with you."

i scoffed, "plans?"

"why do you think you're here, y/n?" he held his head up high, trying to make himself look important and powerful. it was working.

i took deep breaths as my head reluctantly took me through every moment i had with marc.

"besides, you don't know shit about egyptian history and what not. lucky for you, i do."

i pursed my lips and kept my eyes on harrow, "you're saying that marc.. is using me?"

"you said it. what do you think?"

i backed away, as far as i could. away from harrow. i refused to look at him in the eye. if i did, then it would be true.

"let me ask you one more thing," he slowly stood using his staff. "you think.. that marc is going to go back for him?"

my eyes slowly widened as i stared at the ground.

"you think.. that a man as troubled as marc.. would go back, only to return to the one thing that made his life so.. painful?"


i shook my head and pushed my back against a wall, "stop it-"




i pressed my hands against my head and shook my head. i refused to believe his words. he was a liar, not marc. "no-"

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