☾ four (ep 5 spoilers)

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y/n. 6 months later.

i rushed around the apartment, bagel in my mouth and my tie undone. as i stood infront of the bathroom mirror, trying to fix it, i heard shuffling coming from the bed behind me, "morning, love."

i turned around and saw steven slowly sitting up. his curly hair that i loved to run my hands through was all messy, and his morning stubble was pretty noticeable. the blanket fell past his chest and sat at his hips, revealing his toned chest and abs.

i smiled and walked over to him, "good morning," i kissed his forehead and he grinned.

it'd been nearly six months since our nightshift, and i genuinely couldn't be happier. i recently moved in with steven, all of my things arrived last week. i ended up getting a job at a college here, teaching an egyptian history course. steven finally got the job of his dreams, the tour guide. i'm told everyday by sadie that people come in and come out with smiles on their faces when steven is their guide.

i finished eating my bagel and hurried to the door, "i have an early meeting with some professors. there's bagels in the microwave if you're hungry!"

i grabbed my bag with all of my things and started unlocking the door, but a pair of large hands grabbed my waist and turned me around, "leaving without saying goodbye?"

i giggled and kissed his lips, almost unable to pull away.

he cupped my cheeks as i wrapped my arms around his neck, "as much as i want to stay, i can't." i said while steven kissed my neck.

"come on, five minutes?"

"that i don't have," i pushed him off, gave him one last kiss on his cheek and opened the front door. "bye."

"have a good meeting love-!" he yelled out as i closed the door.

i walked through the apartment building, hope in my chest that things will stay like this forever.

context for the rest of the chapter: marc wasn't rly part of the story in the past couple chapters, but after episode 5, i got an idea to write some angst so u can all suffer with me:) j know that y/n knows ab konshu, harrow, and all that stuff

"i have to go for a while, okay?" i shook my head no and grabbed onto his hands, "n-no, it's too dangerous. marc-"

"needs me. he needs me, y/n. we need to sort this out."

"but-" my eyes pooled with tears.

steven reached up and wiped them away, "i'll be okay. i promise."

i pursed my lips and looked down, "can i talk to him?"

steven sighed and nodded his head. he quickly kissed my temple, mumbling three words that i knew all too well.

"what." his voice was low and raspy, very different than steven's. i looked up and it was like i was looking at a whole other person. his eyes were dark, and his face naturally fell.

i let go of his hands and crossed my arms, "why? why are you doing this?" i asked quietly.

"it's not like i want to. i never did. but if you don't let us go.. thousands will die. maybe millions. harrow wants to unleash ammit, and as khonshu's avatar, i can't let that happen. i'm sorry, but i.. we.. have to go."

my voice cracked as i spoke, "if something happens-"

"we'll be fine. as long as steven doesn't get in the way."

nightshift ⇢ steven grant | moonknightWhere stories live. Discover now