☾ three

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"you know what i've always wanted to do?" i asked steven. my head was on his shoulder and his was laying on top of mine. he was holding onto my arm and tracing around my tattoos. "hm?" he mumbled.

we were sitting on the floor now, our backs laying on the wall. our shift ended a while ago, but neither of us felt like leaving. we enjoyed each other's company.

"i've always wanted to go stargazing. i've always loved the sky at night. the stars, they're-"

"beautful." he looked down at me and i looked up to meet his eyes. i smiled and nodded my head, "yeah, just that."

"well," steven suddenly got up and grabbed his things, "i guess we'd better get a move on then."

i furrowed my brows, "what? why?"

"if we make it to the park in time, we'll be able to catch a few hours of the stars before sunrise." he held his hand out to me, and i beamed.

i grabbed his hand and scrambled to get my bag. we walked in a comfortable silence outside into the cold streets of london. his large hand held onto my small one as he led me around.

i had only moved to the city a few months ago, so all of these places were still a bit new to me. the only location i knew how to get to and from was the museum and my apartment.

"what park are you taking me to?" i asked.

"the main one, our central park. i think you'll like it." he smiled and i grinned, squeezing his hand.

we walked down dim streets, seeing very few people because of the time. it was around two or three in the morning.

we turned a corner and saw a large field with trees and a lake in the middle. i looked up and my jaw fell wide open when i noticed just how many stars there were.

"holy.." i mumbled to mostly myself.

he chuckled, "told you. come on, this way." he tugged on my arm and sat us down underneath a tree with our backs to the trunk, giving us the best view of the night sky.

"this is how the egyptians learned to communicate."

"woah.." i couldn't form any words, so i didn't. i simply laid down on my back and admired the sky. i looked up at steven and pulled him down with me so he laid next to me.

"tell me about yourself." i asked him after we got settled on the ground.

"well, there's really not much to it. i've lived here as long as i can remember. i've been working at the museum for a while now, but only ever at the gift shop. donna refuses to give me a spot as a tour guide which is really the only thing i want to do," he sighed sadly. "it's all right though. sometimes i wonder if i gave her a bad impression or what not, but-"

"please, i just think she hates everyone. if she didn't then you'd be a tour guide. i'm sorry about that." i said.

"nah, it's all right. you get to be one."

"yeah, but you don't."

we ended up leaving it at that. i noticed that the topic was one he didn't like very much, so i stayed silent.

"what about you?" he asked.

i smiled, "not much either. i only moved here to get away from america, fucking sucked over there. i needed a fresh start."

"on the other side of the world?" he laughed and i laughed with him.

"'cause why the fuck not? i'd always heard nice things about london, anyways. everyone at home was mad, but i really didn't care. it was an absolute shit hole."

nightshift ⇢ steven grant | moonknightWhere stories live. Discover now