☾ five

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CONTEXT FOR THE NEXT FEW PARTS. PLEASE READ BEFORE CONTINUING: ik the way i'm gonna explain this is gonna be confusing as hell, but pls bare w me. the way i plan to bring steven back is this: everyone remember at the beginning of episode 4 when steven was passed out after fucking w the sky and then he and layla got caught by harrow's men? right, instead of having layla kill them cus she's not in this story, marc/steven dies by getting shot by them. then, in marc/steven's head, episode 5 happens. then, instead of having marc bring steven back like he did at the beginning of episode 6, he runs out of time and isn't able to make it to steven, resulting in only himself making it out. he comes back to the human world with survivors guilt, getting y/n in on the plan. THEN, the rest of episode 4 happens w y/n replacing layla and marc replacing steven. i hope this makes sense💀


the days grew longer.

the moon was only out for a mere few hours, all of which i was awake for.

i met sleepless nights and fatigued days.

i laid on my side of the bed, meaninglessly scrolling on my phone. i was in the same t-shirt i'd been wearing for the past week. i hadn't showered in almost two.

suddenly, a video about constellations came up on my page. the image immediately reminded me of him, and tears began to pool in my eyes.

right when i was going to ball my eyes out for the fourth time this week, a soft knock rang through the apartment. i quickly wiped away the tears and forced my legs to take me to the door.

i unlocked all the locks, only to open the door and see a face that almost brought me to tears. even with his slicked back hair and dark eyes, i wanted to convince myself it really was him.

"..hi, y/n." his low voice broke me from my day dream and brought me back to reality.

i cleared my throat and met his eyes, "marc," i gripped onto the door handle tighter. "um.. h-how have you been?"

"..i've been better, i guess." he shrugged, his shoulders sagging. "listen, um.." he struggled to form the words, pursing his lips and rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands. "t-there's some things that.. that steven didn't tell you. about our.. thing."

my throat grew dry at his words. i cleared my throat, "w-what do you mean?" my head brought me back to the promise he'd made, telling me he'd explain everything.

"i mean.." he kept his eyes on me, contemplating his next words. "we...i..." marc scoffed at himself and backed away, "i-i'm sorry, y/n. i didn't mean to.. sorry for disturbing you."

he started to walk away, and for a second i considered leaving things at that. i could've just closed the door and never spoken to marc again. i could've gone back to the museum. i could've started teaching again. i could've talked to sadie again.

i could've moved on.

but i didn't.

"marc!" i let go of the door and stood in the doorway. he was about to step into the elevator.
he kept his back towards me.

"if harrow is still going to release ammit, then we have to do something. people are going to die. and i know for a fact steven wouldn't have let harrow do this. please... let me help." i pleaded. i gripped into the rim of my shirt and waited.

"..i can't."

"yes, you can. you have to-"

"no, i can't," he paused, panting. "because if i do, there will be another death that i caused. someone else will be dead because of me. you will die... because of me."

he turned around and faced me. his eyes were pooling with tears that never seemed to stop.

i sighed through my nose, "marc.. you're gonna have to trust me on this one. i know we barely know each other and if you decide not to i understand, but... we have to finish what you and steven started."

"i have to, y/n. not you. this was never your responsibility-"

"it is now."

he watched me, wondering if i was serious. i was.

he ran a hand down his face ever so slightly nodded his head.

i couldn't help but rush over and embrace him. i buried my face into his chest, and his arms slowly landed on my back.

i think part of my wanted to believe it was steven.

marc and i spent days getting to know one another. it was nice, talking to someone. i was able to let out all of the pent up grief, and marc was able to open up about.. everything. his brother, mother, the dig site, khonshu. steven. marc didn't seem like the kind of guy to open up so easily, but there was something that let him feel comfortable enough to.

there was crying, laughing, and silence. all of which i enjoyed and sympathized with. there were also.. other.. moments. the kind i couldn't really put into words because i never truly understood them.

"so, harrow. what's the plan?" i grabbed two coffee cups and filled them up with the fresh coffee i'd made. marc was sitting at the small island, facing my back.

"i have his location. he's still in cairo, and he's on his way to the tomb. from what i remember, he has ammit's location. that could mean he's already over there."

i sat down and passed him a cup, "what now?"

"we go to cairo. i find harrow and the tomb. you stay in the city and-"

"w-wait, there's no way i'm letting you do all the dirty work. i'm going with you. all the way."

"no, you're not, it's too dangerous-"

"i knew that the second i decided i wanted to help you. i'm going."



marc eventually sighed and shook his head, "if something happens-"

"i'll be fine, marc. i promise."

he scoffed, "don't make promises you can't keep."

"except i can keep this one." i grinned and sipped on my coffee. marc genuinely smiled for the first time in a while.

i looked out the window above the sink, watching the sky. we sat in silence, until marc spoke.

"i think i can go back for steven."

my face fell and i whipped my head to face him. "what?"

"maybe. if i let myself, i could."

my breath picked up as i tried to wrap my head around his manic plan. "what do you mean 'if'?"

"i can ask taweret for help. i just need to find a way to go back." he immediately dodged my question, making me eye him.

"marc, you'd have to die. again. are you fucking crazy?"

"a bit." he said all of this with his eyes on me, which only confirmed the worst for me.

"..you're serious." i gripped onto my coffee cup, nearly cracking it.

"..i need you to understand this, y/n."

i bit the inside of my mouth until i tasted blood. it stopped the tears from falling.

"i can't.." i shook my head and rubbed my eyes. "i can't lose you, too."

"..you won't," i felt his eyes on me, but i refused to look at him. i felt a soft hand on the back of my neck. "i promise."

i scoffed, "don't make promises you can't keep."

he chuckled and i laughed with him. my hand moved up to his wrist, and i didn't notice until i felt him caress the skin behind my ear with his thumb.

i finally looked up and met his dark eyes. i reluctantly nodded my head and he gave me a caring look, "thank you."

"..are you sure this will work? do you think you can.. bring him back?" hope i didn't want rang in my voice.

marc smiled, "i'll try."

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