☾ eight

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two of harrow's men walked over to marc's body and dragged him to a set of steps beside the sarcophagus. they looked through his clothes until they found ammit's ushabti, handing it to harrow. he was bent down next to his body.

"i'm sorry it had to be this way, marc spector," he set something down on his chest. "steven grant, whoever else might be in there. sometimes we need the cold light of death to see reality."

i heard someone walking towards the pillar i was behind. i quickly turned around and punched them in the gut. my arm wrapped around their mouth, suffocating them. i slowly set them down on the ground as they passed out.

i quietly panted, processing what i'd done. i quickly checked their heart rate to see if they were still alive. when i felt a pulse, i went back around the pillar and watched as harrow's men kneeled when they faced the ushabti. "who wants to heal the world?"

harrow held up his staff, and a purple light came from it. wind blew as his cane formed into a small axe. i cursed under my breath, know that meant he become much more powerful than before.

harrow and his followers slowly walked out of the tomb. i waited until they were all gone to quietly walk to the other side of the sarcophagus towards marc's body.

i bent down and grabbed his face, repeating his name over and over, hoping he'd respond. i watched blood slowly spill from his wounds. "marc? wake up, come on. marc," my voice cracked.

i backed away and looked everywhere but him, unable to process everything. a wave of tears came over me, making let out a small sob. i grabbed onto his chest, never wanting to let go. tears freely slid down my cheeks as i kissed his forehead.

i sat up and saw what harrow had put on his chest. it was a scarab, i'd remembered reading about them.

i picked it up as marc's body fell back into the water and slowly floated away. the scarab rose from my hand and levitated, small wings coming from the gold oval.

thoughts that'd never crossed my mind came to me.

i knew what i had to do.

i was in the last car of the line, hiding among harrow's followers. i used the mask and hood of the man i knocked out as a disguise.

we drove over fields of sand, eventually making it to a road. it was surrounded by cops, barriers, and cars, closing it off.

we navigated around the barriers to the end of the closed off road.

all of harrow's men got out without the police's permission the second we stopped. they started yelling and holding up their guns while harrow, being the 'peacemaker' he was, held up his hands and tried to calm them down.

he turned towards the cars behind him and reassured us, turning back to the cops and speaking with them. suddenly, a wave of purple light came from his staff, and the souls of the cops were taken out of their bodies.

they all screamed, and nearly all of them fell on the floor, dead.

"move the bodies out of the way! let's go! clear a path!" we all got out of the cars, but i stayed behind and hid. my hand moved towards the small pocket knife hidden between my clothes.

i walked past a body, and i heard a feminine voice come from one of the male cops, "don't do it! y/n, wait! i am the goddess taweret," as much as i was shocked, i kept walking and went behind a car. i had a clear view of harrow.

"y/n, it's steven who's telling you to stop-!" another body whispered out the voice.

"what the hell is this-?!" i whispered back. "he's dead. they both are." pain strained through my voice.

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