☾ six

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my leg bounced up and down while marc and i drove to the coordinates he and steven found. they'd gotten them before they got shot down by harrow's men.

it was early, the sun was still barely up. marc was wearing a white hoodie and a see-through mesh like jacket on top. i kept my clothes light because i didn't know how much moving we'd do.

"so, you're 100 percent sure about this? i'm telling you, it's a suicide mission. and without khonshu, there's no suit, no healing. no protecting." marc emphasized the protecting part.

i shrugged, "i'm not letting you go all lone wolf. we're doing this together," i said in a straight tone to get my point across. "besides, you don't know shit about egyptian history and what not. lucky for you, i do."

i giggled as marc sighed defeatedly. "are you always this stubborn?"

"24/7." i giggled again as marc chuckled. we suddenly stopped infront of a mountain with a narrow canyon like passage.

"we go on foot from here." the both of us got out, straddling our bags and walking through the mountain walls.

we were like ants compared to the size of the mountains. we walked and walked, climbing up rocks and jumping around small water currents.

we climbed out of the canyon and up small mountainous rocks and found harrow's camp. it was infront of the tomb. from the height we were at, the camp looked so miniature.

"it looks like they're already inside. we'll need to find another way to beat them to ammit."

everyone once in a while, marc held his hand out for me to grab as we walked down. i brushed past his chest every time.

we made it down to find a large camp set up. cars and tents were everywhere, and we walked stealthily, unsure if they were outside.

once we were sure no one was around, we decided to check around the camp for supplies. i gathered anything useful and some flares, and quickly made it to the entrance that harrow made for the tomb.

marc had gotten some gear to get down and he'd started helping me with it. he bent and helped me out with the gear, his face mere inches away from me.

"i've never done this before. the adventure, i mean." i said nervously.

he stood up and tied the gear around my waist, "we want what we never had." his neck was directly in front of me, a cloud of his scent floating around me.

i smiled, "you smell like him," i looked up at him and i cleared my throat, "i mean, why wouldn't you?" he'd kept his eyes on me the whole time.

"i..i'll go down first-" he stuttered with his words.

i cleared my throat and nodded my head, "right, okay-"

"before i belay." marc's words made me furrow my brows.

"w-what's belay?"

he chuckled deeply and shook his head, "you're cute."

my eyes widened and my face turned hot the second he turned around. i looked down to make sure he was down and had removed himself from the rope so i could go.

unfortunately for me, i was too caught up in my head to see how marc went down, so i fell in and landed on my ass. i groaned out multiple curse words as i tried getting up.

"woah, are you okay?" marc asked, mostly laughing.

"i'm good, yeah." he helped me up and rearranged me gear. i looked past him and saw beautiful statues in front of the entrance of the tomb. "oh, look at you."

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