Chapter 3

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It had been four days since Liam got restless, and Louis was losing hope, he huffed rubbing his trembles as he stood sadly in the shower, using his hands to cover his sore eyes as he let the hot water run over his cold body causing him to shiver slightly, the snow and rain, the cold weather in general had given Louis a bad cold, and he was sick of it, not only was he sick, Liam wasn't moving and his sisters were due home from their holiday at their mini camp in a couple of hours, Louis was going insane, and he was clearly in a terrible mood, begging to be left alone.

Whilst Louis was standing in the shower trying to clear his miserable mind, Liam had fluttered his eyes open, blinking them rapidly to get his blurred vision back, he scanned his surroundings, getting the fresh smell of freshly cooked sweets, as he tried to sit up, he wasn't expecting to wake up in a unknown house, his body aching harshly and nobody around, it was like every other story, somebody is kidnapped, held hostage and hurt unmercifully. 

Emma frowned as she checked her watch, huffing as she skipped up the steps, causing Liam to jump as he managed to squeal loudly trying to push his body up against the cold wall behind him, his eyes rushing around the room and staring through the open door and his mouth open slightly,  he quietly, his hands trembling as he tried to stop his loud sobs, blinking harshly as he watched the entrance to the room.

Emma frowned as she knocked on the bathroom door with her knuckles, "Louis out now!" She hissed, stepping back just in case the door flew open at a unknown speed. 

"Why! Can't I just get some peace around here?! Just go away" Louis scoffed. 

"Get out right now your wasting the water!" She snapped, Louis groaned, getting out of the shower and wrapping a towel loosely around his waist, before he ran a towel threw his hair, trying to stop the loose drips of water from running down his back.

Liam was trembling now, sobbing loudly as he held his eyes close tightly, his hands clutching the soft beds mattress as he begged he wasn't in a house about to be brutally hurt like on the streets, or in his previous home, he wasn't ready for this, not with the massive pain already moving horribly fast threw his body.

Louis growled as he stepped into his room heading towards his cupboard, trying not to step on his laptop as he found his pyjamas. He glanced across at Liam, and was slightly shocked when he saw the younger male tightly pressing himself into the corner of the room, the only thing coming out of his mouth was loud sobs or squeals, he eyes were tightly pushed shut and he had large tear stains down the side of his cheeks, his chin had tears dripping from it soaking his oversized shirt and his knees were up and pressed hard against his chest in his helpless protection.

"Emma!" Louis yelled, rushing down the hallway whilst pulling his clothes on quickly. Louis was clearly worried about Liam, and how long he had been awake for, how much had he heard, what had he seen, was he scared or upset, so many questions were buzzing around Loui's head helplessly as he took a firm hold of Emma's arm once he reached the kitchen

"Are you coming to yell at me.... because I really don't want to hear it Lou" she scoffed. 

"No I'm not actually, just come I'll show you" Emma sighed dropping the spoon she had in the large pot on the stove before turning to face Louis.

Louis dragged Emma back up the stairs, gripping her wrist tightly our of worry and concern, he was worried about Liam but concerned about himself.

Liam sobbed loudly burying his head into his knees, he dug his nails into his hips, as he tried to make the pain go away, you see Liam is broken, mute and in the need of a huge repair, first with his voice he can't find it, he has pretty much lost his voice blame his past blame his old childhood, blame his old family.

Emma and Louis stopped in the doorway, both to frightened to step inside just in case he may lash out or hurt somebody, but once Louis saw the pained expression on Liam's face he knew he wasn't  just any homeless boy. You see Louis' plan was to get Liam on a steady path to recovery before seeing if he could get the younger boy into one of the local orphanages or foster homes, But now he could feel he was having a change of heart, he didn't feel like sending Liam off to one of those dreadful places, he wanted to take care of Liam and become his hero and saviour, or even just his friend, Louis just wanted to make sure this young boy was going to be okay, but when he saw the fear in his eyes, how badly his body was shaking, Louis knew Liam was something worth holding onto and fixing, he was somebody who looked to have a terrible past and Louis so badly wanted to crack him open and cleanse his insides, and that was before he even knew the lads name. Louis could tell Liam was something different, something more fragile and precious, even when Liam looked up, glancing at the two Louis knew Liam's eyes were dull, a greyish colour not his chocolate brown colour that anybody would adore.

Louis slowly stepped into the room crouching down a couple of metres away from his bed. He rested his hands either side of Liam and sent him a reassuring smile, he expected something in return but the only he got was a dull blank expression from Liam who was staring at Louis like he wasn't there, he didn't smile, he didn't even show any signs of striking out for protection, instead he dug his fingers into the side of his shirt and twisted it up so it had a large crinkle up the side. He wasn't even blinking and Louis thought Liam may of been trying to show Louis where his pain was the most, but that wasn't the fact either. As soon as Louis tried to touch Liam the younger male was edging away from Louis and using his feet to try and get his hands away.

Liam ran his eyes over Louis after an hour of complete silence, neither of the two making a peep in the hope to get Liam's raging nerves and emotions to settle down, and at some point within the hour Emma shifted back downstairs to give the two some more space. Liam's trembling eventually settled slightly as he  began to realize Louis wasn't going to hurt him, or so he looked as if he wasn't anyway, He hopelessly began to chew the sleeve of his jumper out of hunger, nerves and pain, he saw the brightness in Louis' eyes and he felt his body starting to settle down, his heart rate descending to a much more normal beat and his tears and sobs finally coming to a haul.

Louis smiled shifting his body weight slightly due to losing all the feeling in his knees. "I'm Louis, and I assure I won't hurt you, okay?" He said, hoping for a reply, something to leave Liam's lips, but unfortunately the younger lad didn't show any hopeful signs of doing so, and Louis let out a defeated sigh.

"How about we get you cleaned up then shall we?" Louis asked, Liam managed to give Louis a slight nod in reply and shuffled his body away from the cold wall, he stumbled up onto his feet wincing slightly when he felt the ribble of pain from the bruises on his ankles.

Louis smiled, "how's a bath sound?" He asked, showing Liam towards the bathroom which happened to be in the same room, but he made sure he didn't make any physical contact with the lad, and waited outside the bathroom door with fresh clothes until he was done, He was just here to help not make him anymore worse then he was.




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