Chapter 18

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Liam had his body pressed against Louis', his head nuzzled deep into the side of his neck, his soft breaths hitting Louis' neck making him shiver, Liam had his leg wrapped around Louis' and his arms wrapped around his neck, this was the position Liam had been lying for the last half an hour.

Louis fidgeted slightly, strange feelings buzzing around his body, he had never felt these feelings before, biting his lip he glanced down at Liam, unable to stop himself from smiling as he brushed his thin fringe off his warm forehead, Louis ran his tongue across his lips, Liam's nails starting to press into his neck ever so lightly, sending that same buzz through his body, it traveled up his spine, stopping at his toes.

He frowned at he continued to think over what he was feeling, in his view Liam was perfect, his gentle eyes, pouty lips and not to forget the unforgettable smile he gets very rarely, even though Liam needed alot of help and a hair cut, him being around Louis made him feel special, something he didn't feel around his other friends.

Running his fingers lightly through Liam's hair he let his eyes wander, it tracing Liam's slim body, covering every part of his features, even stopping to look at his dark eye lashes that made his eyes stand out more.

Louis felt Liam snuggle closer, his lips now slightly pressed against his neck, he bit his lip, glancing up at Emma who was cooing, rushing off before returning with a camera.

"You can put this in your room beside the rest of your pictures" Emma grinned, Louis smiled leaning his head gently on Liam's his eyes fixed now on the televison, he didn't even care about the fact that Emma was taking pictures of the two of them.

He brought his glance back to Liam when he felt the boy shift, Emma placing a blanket over the two boys cold body's, everytime Liam got closer to Louis he felt his face flush and goose bumps form on his arms and legs, he frowned again running his tongue around in his mouth.

"Something wrong Louis?" Emma asked, dropping herself into the small armchair, clearly happy that the girls week off school was over.

"I'm just trying to work something out" he said, letting his eyes move around quickly, Emma frowned resting her hand on Louis' forehead.

"Your very flushed, are you sure you feel okay?" She asked, Louis nodded rubbing Liam's back lightly.

"I feel fine, apart for the fact I feel tingly and buzzy inside" he muttered blushing as he turned to Emma.

"You get those type of feeling where you have feelings for someone" she smiled, showing off her clear dimples.

"No...I get these feeling with Liam, it must mean something different" he shook his head, making Emma grin.

"Your falling in love"


I actually don't know how I wrote this.... I have never been in love before, :(:(


This is a terrible chapter, I hate it!

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