Chapter 4

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It had been a week since Liam had woken up, never spoken once, hardly eaten, Luckily for Louis his sisters had gone to stay with his grandma after a urgent call from Emma, neither Louis or Emma wanted the twins to come home yet, not with Liam in the horrible state he was in, he was frightened enough, bringing four girls into the house would just make it ten times worse

Liam sat up slowly he feet dangling over the edge of the bed as he looked at the massive poster that hung in Louis' room, it was of The Fray, a well known band Liam used to listen to at least ten times a day, more if he was lucky, but now he just never got the chance.

He picked up he dirty jumper off Louis' bedroom floor pulling it over his head slowly wincing as he knocked his bruise on the left side of his stomach just below his rip cage, he let out a pained sigh stepping into the hallway where he took in his surroundings again. He stepped onto the cold timbered floor running his hands along the wall before he stopped to stare at a family portrait, Liam couldn't help but smile sadly, He tilted his head slightly, holding the stair case pole for support of his still very weak back.

Louis frowned peering around at Liam. He sighed sadly just like every other morning Liam would stop to look at a picture, whether it was of him, his sisters or his parents, some pictures even including Eleanor, he was meant to take them down and tear them to pieces like he had said before, but he couldn't be bother, and had much more to worry about.

Louis took a couple more steps up the cold wooden timber, his ugg boots shuffling as he leaned against the staircase frame, glancing at Emma who was holding the fresh wound patches and gauzes, before turning his glance back towards the pale and weak lad. H couldn't help but urge to learn something's about the unknown boy, he knew nothing, not even the first letter of the boys name, but he didn't think he had anyway how, considering Liam didn't do much apart from nod, point or stare blank across at something, but Louis also found out Liam could squeal, so he knew the lad was choosing not to talk, instead of actually being born that way.

Liam'a face dulled as he began stepping away from the family portraits and resting his hands in his jumper pocket, he glanced down at Louis who was still standing on the stairs, smiling happily up at Liam as he waited for the younger lad to walk down the steps. 

"Would you like a fresh jumper?" Louis asked, offering his hand out, Liam shook his head, fixing his  clothes, Liam was still unsure on Louis, whether or not he was going to hurt him, or why he really brought him into his home, Louis just had to gain Liam's trust, it was there, urging to be gained by somebody so Liam could pour his emotions out instead of keeping them bottled up inside let he was at this current moment.

Liam sat down at the large wooden table after he traced his fingers along the dusty wooden chair, he was very touchy-feely and preferred touching the items or things. He was sitting opposite Louis, clutching his sore wrists as he stared at the ceiling, this had been the first time Liam had taken in any of his surroundings, the first time he actually felt hungry. 

Once Emma had placed the two fresh bowls of food on the table Liam got his choice first, bacon and eggs or cereal, each morning he choose which he would prefer, but he never really ate it, he more just used his fork to toss it around his plate slightly.

Louis was pleased when Liam choose the bacon and eggs, he was actually hoping he would, it had been the first time Liam looked slightly brighter and had more colour to his pale cheeks, even though Louis was trying his best to get Liam on a steady path to recovery Emma still thought taking Liam to a doctor would be a far better idea, he could have gotten a STD or Aids, from any of the people out on the streets, food poisoning, phenomena, anything is prone to happen to a homeless boy, why was he even on the streets in the first place?.

Louis was sipping his tea, constantly glancing up at Liam who was playing with his jumper sleeves, making sure his bruises and cut wrists were covered, that was one of the reasons why Liam never wanted to change his jumper, it had this feeling about it he felt as if  somebody washed it, it may lose it's feeling, it was all he had left that belonged to his sister.

Liam couldn't make eye contact with Louis, because well, everytime he did he saw the gentleness and kindness in Louis' eyes, and every other time Liam fell for that it backfired and he just got hurt, and the piercing blue that shined from his eyes reminded him of the first time he met somebody in a dark alley, all he could see was blue eyes, and the harsh tugging at his belt.

Liam closed his eyes bringing his knees up as he rocked back and forth on the large wooden chair, Louis frowned closing his computer screen gently, finishing his mouthful of cereal and removing his headphones. He shifted Liam's plate away from the edge of the table and shifted his chair closer.

"Hey, it's okay" he cooed wrapping a supportive arm around the boys tense shoulders. 

"Nobody is going to hurt you not me nor Emma, I promise" Louis spoke gently urging and hoping for a reply but again he didn't get a single word, only a soft whimper that left Liam's lips as he began to relax into Louis' loose and gentle grip.

Liam dropped himself into Louis' shoulder and started to cry again, he couldn't help but use Louis as somebody to lean on, the trust Liam was trying to stop himself from gaining had failed, epically.

Liam was beginning to trust Louis and he was so scared to where it was going to lead him, in a better direction or one just as worse as before?


Sorry for such a late update, I don't know if you will like this chapter!  

I need at least 2 comments before I'll update again! 



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