Chapter 5

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Louis dried his hair quickly before pulling a clean pair of clothing on,  both Louis and Liam were going to sit on the couch and watch movies all day and Louis thought it was a brilliant idea.

Liam scrunched his nose up as he made his way down the stair case, he had recently removed the dirty jumper, and had it replaced with a much cleaner one, he wasn't that impressed but Louis had told him it would stop the causes of infections, so he took it off.

Emma smiled placing the small bowl of popcorn on the table, before waving slightly. 

"Morning...." She said softly, wishing Liam would reply with some sort of response leading to his name.

Liam smiled weakly pulling the sleeves to his jumper down to cover his wrist again, even though Emma and Louis knew about the cuts and bruises on Liam's wrist, he still didn't want them to see them, he wanted to keep them well hidden until the pain and bruising was gone.

Louis grinned when he saw Liam sitting on the couch, whilst he was upstairs he had thought of a brilliant way to interact with Liam...sign language. He had learnt sign when he helped his mother in a nursing home four years back and then continued to study it out of amusement for three more years afterwards and it came in handy when his sister went mute for six months after a heavy amount of bullying.

Louis smiled slowly sitting down on the plush couch, pulling his legs up so they were folded neatly and tucked under himself. 

"I have been thinking bud" he grinned, "about ways of interacting with you" Liam turned his glance towards Louis, his mouth ajar.

"Have you ever learnt sign language?" He asked placing the small amount of movies on the table. 

Liam nodded, he learnt eight years ago, his sister was deaf, and adored him, she was one of the reason why Liam became attached to his jumper, why he actually stayed in his home putting up with the abuse and hurt for years after that, but then when his sister passed away from a unexpected illness Liam couldn't do anything but run away.. 

Louis beamed happily, turning to face Liam with a massive smile on his face, by now this had caught Emma's attention and she had moved to the far side of the living room to watch the two boys. 

"So I am going to ask you questions, and you just sign the answer back to me okay?" Liam nodded, smiling slightly, as he turned to face Louis, he knew one day he would find his voice again and he would use it but for now, this was good. 

"What's your name?" Louis asked, urging for an answer as he glanced at Emma, Liam didn't hesitate to reply he signed it back straightaway 

'Liam Payne' he signed making sure he was spelling it right before looking up at Louis grinning. 

Emma frowned, unfolding her arms as Louis beamed, turning to face Emma and giving her a massive smile followed by the thumbs up. 

"Your names is Liam Payne and I right?" He asked, tilting his head slightly, Liam nodded. 

"I personally love that name" he blushed picking up his small hand notebook that he had written a couple of questions down onto. 

"Do you know your age?" He asked, curiosity biting away at his neck as he urge to find out as much as he could about Liam. 

'Seventeen, born on the twenty ninth of August' he signed proudly, as he finally figured out he still knew how to sign. 

"I'm nineteen this year" Louis replied biting his lip, as he looked back at Liam, 

"Last one then we watch a movie yeah?" Liam nodded weakly, relaxing into the arm rest behind his back. 

"Are you lost?" Louis asked knowing he was pushing the limits slightly, hoping Liam would reply, he was a curious lad. 

Liam shook his head, picking up his hands again, 'ran away, never going to return' he sighed, dropping his head and looking away, hoping Louis wouldn't ask questions, he didn't want to have to reply, he wasn't ready to tell his story. 

Louis nodded glancing up at Emma who looked confused and lost, he waved his hand in dismissal turning to pick up the small tower of movies. 

"Your choice I have seen every single one of them, personally their all my favourite" he grinned, placing them gently in Liam's lap. 

He scanned over the movies for around five minutes before deciding on the series of toystory, smiling and blushing at the same time he handed them to Louis with a trembling hand, Louis took the movies in his grasp tossing them to Emma who was kneeling by the DVD player. 

"Great choice!" He beamed. 


I am not to sure on this chapter :/  

Also check out the prologue to my up coming Niam fanfictions, called Love Hate, which will be written very soon. 

Also a Zayn fanfictions is coming! Thanks to BiggestNiallanator69 for the plot!  



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