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"Seb this is the last time you're going to be asked before you're convicted." The officer told him, pleading with his eyes even though they all knew either way he was being sentenced.
The man in question slammed his cuffed fists down onto the table in front of him.
"How many fucking times! Don't fucking call me that."

He took a breath and composed himself before asking
"What's the date."
"I don't know how that fits into the question we asked you Sebastian."
"Just tell me." the criminal snared
"4th of February"

The officer watched as Sebastian turned his head down before a grin took over his face and he began to chuckle.
"Ahhh" he breathed "At this point if i tell ya it'll be pointless."
"Have it your way" the other officer said as he began to gather himself.

"Sebastian Devoe we understand you have been made aware of the charges you face after three court hearings however we want to jog your memory." One officer says.
"You are sentenced to death for twelve accounts of first degree murder, four accounts of grievous bodily harm, possession of drugs, driving under the influence, threatening an officer of law, multiple accounts of sexual assault, and withholding evidence and information." He finishes.

The other officer begins, "you will now also be charged as the prime suspect in the case of the disappearance of Sienna Devoe."
The visibly calm criminal twitches in his seat.
"Are you sure it's just disappearance?" The smirk on his face makes the officers angry but he's had his chance and now times up.

The officers bang in the door notifying another 4 to enter the room. This man was dangerous it was a needed precaution.
Upon entering the room the youngest officer looked at the much older ones with hope but his mood was defeated when they gave a single head shake. They hadn't found out what they wanted.

Once the officers had secured the criminal they dragged him to the capital punishment section of the prison. Together they secured him to the chair with hatred in their hearts. How dare he each of them thought but did not show this for the intent on keeping themselves professional.

The 'doctor' that dealt with these criminals entered the room.
"I got this boys, thank you." He said to the officers before they left the room.

Solemnly the police officers headed back across to the main building. They thought they would be able to do it. They had failed the case.

Criminal Sebastian Devoe was arrested for the first time 3 weeks ago. He had previously managed to evade getting thrown into a cell. That was before they found out. Before they tricked him with undercover stop find information. He had always been a prime suspect in this murder case, it was the way he left the victims that gave himself away. He loved to write SV on the back of their necks and the detectives never managed to remember that the criminals middle name was Vince.
He was questioned over and over and revealed new things each time. But never what the officers really wanted to know. He was so careful, he made sure of it.

The youngest of the officers was having a hard time focusing. This particular case had been open for 9 years and with very minimal evidence was not likely to continue before becoming cold. They had thought about the family, however there was no one left. Or so they thought. It had turned out that their criminal Sebastian Victor Ostargo was indeed Sebastian Vince Devoe. The last family member. They had put 2 and 2 together and came up to the conclusion that it was him but they had very little evidence and as the saying goes 'innocent until proven guilty' so they couldn't charge him.

He enjoyed playing games with the officers, he would lead them on with an idea and just as they nearly hit an answer he would shut it down.

Roughly 45 minutes after they had strapped Sebastian to the chair he was gone. Gone to burn, where he belonged.
He had however given one tiny detail to the doctor but the doctor was just that, a doctor. He had no clue what the man was saying and put it down to him being deranged.

Said doctor left the room and went to speak to the chief officer before going to find the ones that escorted the patient to him.
"Did he mention anything to you?" The young one asked mid conversation.
"Nothing that would be of any use," the man grumbled " just kept repeating random letters of the alphabet.

The youngest officers heart jumped at that statement which lead him to asking what they were.
Grabbing a piece of paper and a pen he was ready.
"He just kept repeating 'x..p..e..t' over and over with a longer break between the t and x"

The young man had written this down and began to think through it. It had suddenly clicked.
"He was speaking in code" he mumbled out.
This peeked interest in the other officers who then surrounded the young man.

He explained his thought process. "Usually when speaking in random letter people are hinting to the alphabet but just jump a few letters back. So x would be y..q..x.... Wait." He realised his mistake when it began to make no sense to him.

"He wanted to make it harder, he did it the other way.
So ....w..o..d..s...
"Wods" one man asked. "What's wods"
"Well he probably didn't want to make it easy by adding a double letter so it probably means woods,"
"There are no woods around here, the closest one is 4 hours away."
"Isn't that where the rest of the family were murdered?"
"Yes! She's in the woods. Call the other units and tell them to prepare themselves. All of them." The young man ordered. The older men ran to do as he had said while the young one stayed with the doctor.

"Did he say anything else?"
"He kept saying something about swimming.. I don't know if-"
"I KNOW WHERE SHE IS!" he shouted to the others "POOLES FOREST!"

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