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Zareya once again entered the tiny room and sat down on the floor. She sat with her legs crossed and her arms resting on her knees.

"Sienna," she called earning the girls attention "come here." She motioned for the girl to go towards her.
Sienna was still rightfully wary of the people that had spent the last day with her but they didn't do bad to her. At least not yet.

Sienna went back to her corner of the room and watched the woman.

"Come here darling." She called to her again.
She still received no response and tried to come up with a way to draw the girl towards her.

Zareya had an idea. She slipped of her suit jacket and brought it up to her face, similarly to the nightgown she began rubbing the soft material on her tanned skin. The material was too silk.
Sienna watched on and picked up the silk night gown that rested just behind her. She paused before she rubbed the material on her face, again humming at the unfamiliar softness. Feeling brave she made a move towards the woman who was holding the thing out.

Zareya took this opportunity to see how Sienna would be able to cope with touch. She handed the jacket over to the girl and made a point to stroke her arm in the process. She noticed how the little girl flinched and pulled away abruptly before running back to her corner, leaving both the jacket and the night gown in a heap on the floor next to Zareya.

Feeling bad about the reaction she had caused, Zareya wanted to give the girl both items however when she went to pick up the soft materials the girl growled thinking she was going to take them away.
Zareya proceeded with what she intended to do and picked up the items.

Sienna screamed as the woman approached her. Now she was going to do bad.
The girl became defensive and lunged at Zareya, leaving a scratch over her collar bone. The psychologist knew this was a defence mechanism and let the girl thrash around without moving too much. She needed the girl to know she was not a threat to her.

The woman leaned forward slightly and wrapped her suit jacket around the girl, momentarily distracting her. The girl gripped the jacket, confused to why it didn't feel like bad. Zareya kept hold of the night gown wanting to see siennas reaction. The girl watched each movement the woman made and again lunged at her this time with no intention to harm, she just wanted what was hers.

"Shhh here darling you can have it." The woman said holding it out. The little girl reached for the material and grabbed it. She began tugging on it harshly when the woman wouldn't let it go.

Zareya gently handed the piece of material over to the girl, again making a point to stroke her hand gently. The girl flinched and stilled but this time did not run away. It was progress.

At that moment April Hain decided to reappear. She entered the room and turned her nose up at the sight of the woman crouched on the floor with visible dirt marks littering her previously pristine suit.

"Oh goodness! How can you crawl around in such vile conditions all for this thing. I know it's a big case and all but at least have the sense to wear clothing protection before you roll around in her waste." The social worker spoke and gradually got closer to the pair and as she reached them went to lean agains the psychologists shoulder.

Sienna did not like this person. When noticing the woman approaching she had tensed and kept a watch in her. Now she was touching the not bad person.

Dropping the sacred night gown, the girl growled and again lunged at the social worker who let out a squeal before stepping back.

Zareya had managed to hold the girl but as she grabbed onto the girl and held her close after placing the nightgown in her hands the girl became seemingly angry.

The girl screamed again and thrashed around. She was fighting for her life.
Zareya stayed calm and held on to the girl despite her kicks and flailing arms.

"Please leave from here."
She spoke to the social worker before giving her full attention to sienna.
"Shhh darling, your okay now. You're safe. I won't hurt you." She reassured the young girl who just continued to scream and thrash. She wanted to go. She needed to go away from the bad.

Once the girl had screamed herself horse, despite the soft spoken words coming from each adult near by, she realised that the person would not let go. With her body still rigid and alert she began to cry. She had given up, lost all fight.

The small body shook with silent sobs which hurt all of their hearts. The social worker was wrong. She did not care for the physical condition of the girl, she wanted to help her- not just for a pay rise. Zareya was still holding the girl despite her new injuries and had began to cradle and rock her whilst humming a song. It was a nursery rhyme, something she thought the girl may have been familiar with.

It seemed that Zareya was correct with her assumption as the girl had relaxed slightly whilst listening. As soon as the humming stopped she tensed again. The psychologist hummed the song over and over as it calmed down the little girl. It was like she was a baby, needing help with relaxing and staying calm.

Sienna was trying once again to stay awake but the soft voice that spoke to her as well as the rhythmic beating of the psychologists heart had calmed her to a point of dangerous relaxation. The little girl fell asleep in Zareyas arms, holding tightly on to the silk night gown and the woman's dirty white shirt.

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