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Sienna screamed.

The second the doors of the hospital room shut the girl became hysterical once again.
Doctor waters looked to the social worker.

"It's fine, she needs to get used to Miss Von Klene not always being around." April states as she approaches the thrashing child.

The doctor mutters an 'if you say so' before he jumps into action.
At least he tries to.

Sienna was furious at this point. They made the not bad person leave her. Again.
She wanted them back.

Still screaming at the top of her lungs, hot tears now trailing her cheeks, Sienna continues to have her melt down.
Why didn't they understand.

April decides this is the perfect opportunity. She would get the child to favour her.
She approaches the girl who was currently kicking her legs and touches her hair.

The touch makes the girl pause and open her eyes in hopes that the person was back. Seeing it was the other one made her emotions overflow.

There was no calming her now.
April soon realised this when she was left with numerous bite marks and scratches over her arms.

With several failed attempts to calm the child without any medical help April decides she's had enough.

"Can we get restraints on her?" She asks.

"Well yes, but in this case I don't think.."

Doctor waters is cut off by April once again.
"Great, where are they then."

A team of nurses come in minutes later with material restraints and as she is being held and tied down, Sienna finally realised what is going on.

She stills.
They're going to do big bad.
The familiar pressure of the restraints against her wrists and ankles makes the girl fearful. She was too used to the process of what comes next.
First it would be the little hurter.
Then the big long hurter.
And then the pointy hurter.

When the thoughts fully register the girl does what she always does.
She struggles.

She kicks her legs trying to get free.
She try's to move her arms.

It's no use.
She's stuck.

"Well what are you waiting for?" April questions the doctor who is looking over the girl worried.

"Right." He says before he starts the examination as best as he can with the girl struggling against his touch.

He briefly looks over her legs, the visible injuries were mainly scars or healing just fine. Her arms were next. It seemed as if she had a misaligned bone, nothing urgent. However it's her stomach and torso that worry him. The obvious infection growing in the depths of the largest wound was hard to miss. The area was red and inflamed with what looked like yellow in the centre, along the incision.
She needed surgery before he would even touch that. It must be painful.

A good 45 minutes passed whilst doctor waters carries out the examination as much as she would allow and yet the girl shows no sign of exhaust.
Still continuing to fight against her restraints, she doesn't notice the social worker moving her belongings.

April observes the collection of things the child has and grimaces at the dirt covered bear.

"That's nasty." She says aloud and proceeds to pick it up using a glove and putting it in the trash in the corner of the room.

Making her way back to the bed she spots the bag of things that the psychologist brought with her.
"The stuff that sienna seemed to love came out of there, maybe there's more." the woman thought.

She looks in the bag and grabs the first things she sees. It's a lovey blanket with an elephant attached to it. Humming in satisfaction the woman takes the item over to the child.

"Look sienna what's this." She speaks with a soft voice, successfully gaining the girls attention.

April holds the toy out in front of the girl who reaches for it, however doesn't get far as she was still in the restraints.

"Oh you want it? You gotta be good then. No hitting." The woman tells her as she reaches to undo the restraints.

Sienna didn't understand what the person was saying. She just wanted the new thing. It was like the other new things and didn't look bad. She wanted to hold it.

Once the girls right hand is free she reaches up for the toy.

"Ah, ah you gotta say please. Sienna say please." The social worker demands.

"Ma'am I don't think she can speak." One of the nurses inputs.

"Hmm, she probably can. She is twelve." The woman says, wanting so badly to be right.

"No disrespect ma'am but with the severity of her case, and that's just what I've seen, I would say that if she was able to communicate verbally she would have by now." The same nurse says back.

"I do not like being challenged, especially when it's by someone outside of my profession. When you get your qualifications in social work then maybe I'll listen to your opinion. You can go now." She says to the nurse before turning to everyone else.
"That goes for all of you."

The room is quiet for a few moments with the nurses waiting for another remark to be thrown at them. When one doesn't come they all share a collective look before leaving the room.

"Finally" the social worker mumbles as she turns back to the girl who was using her free hand to scratch at the restraint surrounding her left hand.

"That's enough from you as well." She states as she moves the girls hand back into the restraints which in turn leaves them in the same situation they have been in since the psychologist left.

"Ms hain, although I respect your profession I do not respect how you are treating this patient. Considering her current state of upset I'm going to say that your approach to this all is not working. I agree with miss von Klene, keeping the girl happy should be a priority however it seems you are just wanting some recognition in this big case. As her doctor, I ask you to leave this room so I can prepare her for surgery and I-"

Doctor waters is cut off by the doors swinging open.

"Do you have any idea what you have done."

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