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With the heartbreaking sound of the little girls sobs filling the room, Zareya had to come up with a plan. She needed the girls trust, she wanted her to feel safe.

While sienna curled more into herself, the psychologist stood and went to retrieve the girls most loved possessions. Seeing her things in the hands of the not bad, bad person made Sienna worried. Was big bad going to happen.

Zareya knew she needed to calm the girl before she became too distressed but she didn't know which approach would work best for the small girl.

Placing the items down in front of sienna, the psychologist waited to see what she would do. Previously she didn't hesitate to take her belongings but now she seemed to be nervous.

"It's okay darling you can have them. I'm sorry I hurt you sweetheart." She tells her.

Long minutes go by and the child still stays in her position, too scared to move. Changing her plan Zareya drains the water and moves anything that may harm the girl before exiting the bathroom. She leaves the door open as she enters the main hospital room and goes to its entrance where it is guarded by Tage and Canden.

"If possible could someone run to my car and grab me a change of clothes and my silk pyjamas. I've just cleaned her up I don't really want to touch her when I'm covered in dirt still. Also a night light if you can get one." She requests.

A short while later a female nurse brings in the requested items and quickly leaves. Zareya takes this opportunity to quickly change her clothes and reminds herself that she'll get the chance to shower later.

Now with fresh clothes on and the silky pyjamas and night light in hand she enters the bathroom once again. She takes a similar approach as to what she did back in the cage. She sits and waits however this time she turns on the night light and watches as it projects butterflies around the bathroom.

Sienna sits still in the corner watching the woman. She didn't understand why she left her. She didn't like that. Seeing the woman come back she feels a bit safer in this strange place. When the woman sits down she turns on a pretty thing that immediately catches siennas attention. She watches in awe as little lights float around the room.

Without realising sienna begins to rock back and forward letting out little happy squeals of excitement.
In a trance, she follows one butterfly in particular. It bounces from wall to wall, floor to ceiling. It even almost touched her. She loves it so much. The woman is not bad. She didn't do bad. She didn't do big bad.

Continuing to watch the butterflies as they fly across the walls the psychologist notices the little girls reaction to them. She looks like she's focused on one in particular and follows it around the room with her eyes.

The view is a special sight that the woman would never forget. The small smile that spread across siennas face was heartwarming. She looked so happy, so content with just watching the lights go around the room.

"You're so precious." She whispers to the unknowing girl.

With her attention still fixated onto the butterfly sienna watches as it floats right next to her before landing on the not bad person.
The gentle smile on the woman's face distracts the girl from her favoured butterfly as she decides she likes this person. The not bad person.

Sienna slowly studies the person while their attention was elsewhere. She didn't have a bad face. She didn't have bad teeth. She didn't smell bad. The small girl decides to crawl over to Zareya and plant herself on the woman's lap.

"Oh, hi darling. I'm so sorry baby. I don't mean to hurt you" The woman whispers while stroking the still tangled hair. Not understanding the words but enjoying the soft touch, the small girl cuddles more into the psychologist.

Zareya then wraps her pyjamas shirt over the girl trying to give her some privacy as well as warmth. The two sit there for a short while, the girl gently falling into the brink of sleep.


While the small girl slept on her lap the psychologist decided to try and untangle her hair.

Being as gentle as possible she began to separate the clumps that were stuck together with dirt and blood caked into them. 25 minutes later and she had deranged one small section of the hair. She knew it was going to be a long process but it would be the least she could do to help the sweet young girl.

Eventually zareya had detangled just over half of the hair. She knew it was now very late and she was running on no sleep from the last two days. With her body full of fatigue she lifted the girl and carried her over to the bed.

The psychologists first plan to lay the girl down failed when the child shot up and grabbed into the woman's shirt. Being too tired, the woman just lay on the bed with the girl laying on top of her and she soon fell asleep herself.

Ms April hain decided to pay a late night visit to the girl. She wanted to see the improvements she had made over the last day.

She arrived just before midnight and walked straight into the room, ignoring the nurses telling her it was not allowed. Seeing the two cuddled up on the bed made a strong feeling of envy overtake the social worker. She met the girl first, the girl should bond with her.

She approached the bed with the intention of taking the girl into her own arms, wanting to create a bond with her. She didn't get far with her plan as the child began to stir the minute the social worker attempted to lift her.

Not wanting to be caught she decided to leave the room for the time being and come back the next day.
The girl would like her.
She had to.

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