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The first car of police officers reach the location they were assigned. They decided to wait for all other teams before trying to locate the girl.

Soon after, car after car arrived with people desperately hoping that they would finally be able to close the case. Although they have little hope that the girl would be alive, it would be a relief to find out what had happened to the child all those years ago. They were prepared for the worst.

The police, along with a large team consisting of paramedics and forensic specialists split into 4 groups each going in a different direction in order to cover more ground faster.
They kept an eye on the ground, looking closely for any upturned soil or raised grounds.

Officer Marcus Blane was the first one who found it. The upturned soil with grass growing over. The area was not freshly dug but would not have been more than a few months old.
Himself and his team worked as fast as they could after photographing the area. They dug down deep until they found a box.

They carefully lifted the box out of the ground and placed it gently beside the hole. After sending a quick prayer to whoever decided to listen that day, they began to pry open the heavy metal chains that encased the strong metal chest.

Meanwhile, officer Taylor peters and his team had stumbled across something similar, however this area was seemingly a little bit older than the first. He and his team dig up the ground and pulled out the wooden chest, it was an identical one to the first that was found.

Officer Tage Reven had no such luck in finding anything buried but it was when she looked up that she became startled and the sickening feeling began to swamp her body.
A house. A tree house.

There was no way for her to get into it without breaking it so that's what she did, with the assistance of a hammer.
Having no idea what to expect she cautiously entered the cramped room. Her heart stopped at what she saw.

For officer Canden Vance, this was the case that made him want to become an officer. He had followed the story since it happened and wanted nothing more than to avenge the little girl that was taken by her vile uncle. There were many leads over the years but the cruel old man had managed to shut them down before the police were able to figure anything out.

When he was assigned to this case he was thrilled and his mind was set of getting some piece of mind whether he had to do it alone or not. Luckily the vile mad had come to his senses before his death. For that he would be thanked. For everything else he would be tortured.

As they were tracking through pooles forest on the outskirts of a small town 4 hours from home, Canden had plenty of time to think. He wanted this to be it.  For the case to be closed. To get an answer. But no one had blown their whistles to signify finding anything.

He and his team had reached a clear area in the forest. Not many trees were in this area as it was right by the lake that surrounded the land they were on.
He sighed deeply and started to turn back when he noticed something.
Foot prints.

Canden and his team consisting of a forensic specialist and a paramedic followed the marks.
They were led through the shallow part of the lake and into the land in the other side.
They had walked for just short of an hour when they found the building.

Canden picked up his speed as he saw the tiny house. Just as he exited the mound of trees he heard one of the other teams blowing their whistle. The rules were when someone blows their whistle, the others go to them. He didn't want to leave this house. He had a feeling.
When the others caught up with him they too were startled by the small house.

They signalled to each-other before they all grabbed their whistles and blew.


After hearing the urgency of the other whistle Marcus decided to bring the chest and it's contents to whoever it was that had such and urgent situation. Taylor and his team had the same idea and made their way over to where they were able to locate the sound of the whistle.

For Tage, this situation was a bit difficult. She couldn't exactly bring the tree house with her. Luckily the sound of the whistle was not very far from where she was so she decided to send the rest of her team to see what was the issue.

The forensic specialist and the paramedic made their way through the thick trees and they too became startled by the house. It was in such a random place.
They shared the tree house with Canden and his team but they had not seen the inside so they could not say much.

Soon after the others had reached and the group was whole again, minus Tage. Tage's team shared the tree house again with the other groups who agreed to go there after they shared their own findings.

First Marcus pulled out the contents of the chest.
Inside were children's clothes, presumably siennas. The clothes ranged from 2 years to 6 years. The tiny child's clothes were painful enough but the blood and dirt soaking each individual item hurt each person on a deeper level.
The blood was old and dried, years old in fact, but the thoughts of how the blood got to taint such innocent clothing was what troubled them most.

Taylor was next to present his findings. At first look it may have been overlooked as something suspicious but when taking a deeper look and investigation, they found something horrific.

Inside the chest were old diaries. Diaries that started when sienna had first disappeared and ended a mere few months prior to today.
Each day there was an entry. A hair raising horrific entry of the punishment that sienna was given in order to make her the perfect child. The perfect 2 year old child.
Each entry included details of how long the punishment had lasted and exactly how and where each injury was inflicted.

At that moment each person stood in silence reflecting upon what they had just read. They felt sick to their stomachs at the horrid details the vile man had willingly recorded, likely for his own pleasure.
After this they had little hope of finding the poor child in one piece, let alone alive.

After holding their silence for minutes longer they collectively agreed that the forensic team would stay near the house and photograph each piece of evidence whilst the rest would go to the treehouse found by Tage. The paramedic led them their and Tage was glad to see them. It pained her to look inside the small space so she had exited the door.

Canden was the first to go up and into the room. His body went cold and bile rose in his throat.
In the room were chains hanging from the wall with blood pooled all around the floor. There were masses of faeces against the walls as well as splatters of urine.
He must have kept her here.

The room also held different weapons including knives, sharp sticks and a hammer. All in which splattered in blood.

They photographed the room, leaving it untouched and left back towards the house.

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