M͜͡e͜͡m͜͡o͜͡r͜͡i͜͡e͜͡s͜͡)))Amanda x NB! Reader

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I was looking through my moms attic, why? Well because I have nothing else to do plus, my moms attic is a pig sty. I found a couple of old boxes, but one caught my eye. It's was labeled "Amanda the Adventurer!" I examined the box I turned it around and at the back of the box in big black words written "DO NOT PLAY". I was confused for two reasons first, I don't remember ever having this box in my attic and second, why did it say do not play? "Hmm.." I said....'ima play it' I thought to myself.

I brought the box down stairs to me room, I then opened the box and inside were three tapes, and a old computer, err...TV? I took out the TV and the three tapes and put them on a table. I plugged in the computer TV and attached the mouse to it (Yes I know in the real game the TV doesn't have a mouse but since at the end Amanda does say "CLICK THE HOUSE" so ya) I then put the tape that says "EPISODE 1" in the TV. Then some cheerful music started to play, I was a bit surprised that it still worked but something was off...."Hi! I'm Amanda!" I saw a girl with dark skin and black hair that was in two buns and blue pants, she looked about 16 or 17. "And I'm wooly...!" I saw a humanized sheep that also looked 16-17. But it then the computer started glitching I raised brow but then...everything thing turned black..

"How did they get here?!"

"I don't know! Maybe it was you!"

"How could it be me?! Yeah I basically could go to the outside world if I wanted to but I don't    Know about this!"


"Oh, they are waking up!"

I open my eyes to see two figures standing over me wait...TWO FIGURES STANDING OVER ME?!?! I sat up wide eyed, I then saw the two characters from the show I was watching earlier...wait what?! I looked around and saw bushes and a tree but they had eyes? I'm not even surprised anymore I then realized they were still standing in front of me. I started scooting back and then stood up. "Hi-"
"WHAT THE F**K!" I blurted out I then covered my mouth surprised at what I just screamed out. "I'm sorry! I just blurted that out!" I said "No it's fine! You probably are in shock so I'll let it pass." "Anyways I'm Amanda! Well you probably already know that." Amanda said I nodded "So I guess I don't have to introduce myself then." Said the sheep or Wooly. "Yeah, oh and I'm Y/N!" "I know." Amanda said "Wait how...?" I asked "Um..just forget what I said...." "Uh,...okay.....?" "Anyways we should probably see on how we could get you out of here." Said Amanda "Oh yeah, well what are we waiting for let's go!"

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A couple of weeks have passed and yet still, all the strategies haven't worked. So yet, I'm stuck here unless we find another strategy that actually works. But one thought still enters my brain..'how did Amanda know my name?' It was confusing, and yet I'm weirded out.

'Maybe I should ask her?'

'No shouldn't'

'No, I should I mean what's there to lose anyway?'

Me and Amanda were talking about random stuff until. "Hey, Amanda is it okay if I ask you something...?" I asked "Uh, sure. What is it?" Amanda said "Well, remember the time we met? When I said my name was Y/N....why did you say "I know".." Amanda went completely silent "Amanda-" "I-I forget I n-need to go do something m-maybe w-we can talk later?" She never stuttered..what? Amanda started speed walking away, and that speed walking turned into running. "Amanda, wait!" I started running after her when I finally caught up I grabbed her wrist. Amanda looked at me, her eyes were wide and she was sweating a lot. "I guess there's no way out of this, huh?" I let go of her wrist "follow me." I followed her to a bench, she sat down I sat down beside her.

Amanda sighed "It's not..a pretty story...." Amanda said " But here it goes..." she took a deep breath then started the story. "Well, you may not remember but when you were little you used to watch us all the time, we were always looking forward to seeing you even if we couldn't hug you or interact with you in any way, we really enjoyed your company...but one day you just....stopped we were wondering where you were I-...I started to lose myself, woolie kept telling me that everything was going to be okay and that one day you would come back but...you didn't then someone else put in the tape and it was someone I wasn't familiar with and I was so angry I-..." she stopped halfway through "I killed them...now yes I can go to the other world but only for a minute because if stayed longer I would glitch and warp into to nothing, and I think maybe a family member of that person probably found the tape and the TV and though we had something todo with it and sold us back to your mom and then threw us back in the attic and that's when....you found us!"



'I remember everything now."

'I left them, why did I leave them?'

I hugged her but I didn't cry, but I felt like I need to, she hugged back though I felt something wet on my shoulder. Was Amanda crying? " Amanda..? Are you okay?" "Yeah,...it's just *hic* I thought that *hic* I would never see you again!" "And I'm just so happy...to finally see you again..."

'She really did miss me, didn't she.'

"Me to Amanda, I'm happy that we finally meet again.."

丅𝔥𝓔 𝕖𝕟𝕕 ♡︎

(Word count: 1015)

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