Chapter 14: Sweet Dreams

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[Mitzi POV]

After that conversation I had with Angel Sofie, I felt the burden on the shoulders that Siwon is carrying right now. In situation like this, I should be on his side; to comfort him, to let him feel that he is not alone. But where am i?

I did want to return to being mortal again, I want to fix the things that I left, but most of all, I wanted to be in his arms again. But there is something that is holding me back, and that is, am I really deserve to be by his side again? After all that happened?

From where I am right now, I am watching every tear that falls from his eyes. Every pleading words that he said for me to comeback, it was all loud and clear to me and it really kills me not to be able to respond to him. I asked father on what will be his plans for him but he didn't gave me even a small hint about it that makes me even more sad.


[Sofie POV]

Siwon has become a big part of my life when I was still a mortal. I think without him, I wouldn't be here. I mean, he help me to have a positive outlook in life during my darkest times. He was almost my everything. Up until now, I still love him. But right now, everything is clear to me, I wasn't mean for him, someone else does.

I was sitting right now on the edge of the clouds watching him cry a river for that special someone. It really breaks my heart to see him like that. If only I could go down there and wipe his tears away, I would. That is how much I love him. I let go of a deep sigh.

"This thing has to stop once and for all." I said to myself and stood up and make my way to father's room.

I softly knock before I opened the door only to see him having a conversation with Archangel Gabriel. Since I wasn't entirely inside the room, I decided to just sit on the empty cloud and waited for them to finish talking to each other. It wasn't my intention but, I overheard their conversation.

"It will be long shot father, are you sure about this?" —Archangel Gabriel

"It's meant to happen this way though" — father

"But it will both end in a tragic way. Don't you think it was unfair for the male mortal and angel metherlence?"  — Archangel Gabriel

"Believe me, it won't" — father

Just then, Archangel Gabriel exited the room and he notices my presence.

"Oh! Hello angel Sophia, what are you doing here?" he asked.

"Hello Archangel Gabriel. I'm here to see father" I said.

"Okay, so I'll see you around." He said and he totally left the room.

I make my way inside and there I saw father still sitting on the chair where he was sitted awhile ago.

"Hello father, are you busy?" I asked.

"Hello my sophia. Come here. Have a sit." He said as I sat on the cloud that in infront of him.

"You're here to tell me something right?" he said. Wait! How did he know? Oh! I forgot! He is our father, he knew EVERYTHING.

"Uhmm.. Actually father, I'm here to tell something about Angel Metherlence's situation." I nervously said.

"Relax my angel, I'm listening." He said with his reassuring smile that immediately calms me down.

"The thing here is that, father, this has to be stopped. We need to do something about this. I can't bear to see both of them suffering by longing to each other." I said.

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