Chapter 1: F.A.T.E

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[Mitzi POV]

-In Heaven-

“You’re watching him again eh?” Ken asked. He is the angel of courage and my brother.

“Yeah, it hurts me so much to see him like that; he doesn’t deserve na maramdaman lahat ng to!”

“why are you still here?!!, I’m sure he’s waiting for you.” He said

“For Pete's sake! let's face the reality” I said as I was about to stand up when he hold my hand.

Are you okay with this? I mean you could talk to father to make some arrangements.” He said.

I knew, i could see your point, but right now, i'm contented by just watching him from afar. His smiles are more important than whatever feelings i had for him"  I said as I opened my wings and flew down into his room.

He was now sleeping soundly, probably his eyes got tired of crying for a long time. I went beside him as I clear his face and wipe away the marks of his tears and slowly, I kissed his forehead.

I stayed there for a few minutes more until I noticed that the morning sunrise is about to happened, so I looked at him one last time, and flew back to my own home.

By the way, I’m Metherlence; the angel of hope and a guardian angel to a very special person. My brother’s and sisters called me Mitzi for short. Father didn't even remember on when did he created me nor how old i was, kkkkk~  Ever since I was a little angel, I was bound to protect one person. I watched him grow the same way I grow until I became an angel of hope. As each day passed by, I was able to witness everything in him, from the very step that he made up to who is he right now. I was proud of him after everything he went through, he still managed to smile as if he didn’t go through hard pains. But this time, I think, him being a mortal and a normal person, reached his limits.

Last night, I went by his side again to ease all the pain that he is feeling right now. If only I could carry all those for him, I would, but only he can help himself with this and all I can do now is help him ease the burden.

As I went inside my own cloud, my sister, Cath, the angel of happiness, came in.

“Mitzi, father wants to see you.”

Okay, be right there!” I said as I followed her from behind.

We reached our father’s room and soon after my sister left and I was now alone inside with my father.

“So, why did you called me father?” I asked.

He sitted beside me as we gave me a small piece of cloud, then I asked him.

“What is this?”

“Today, I received a simple prayer, I thought it was like everybody else and was about to comply on it when I noticed who said it.” He said as he looked down and watched the stars.

“Who send this father?” I asked.

I think it was about time my angel.” He said as he holds my hands.

What do you mean?” I asked.

He didn’t answer me, but instead, he put his hand infront of my eyes, and he slowly closed it and everything went black.

[Siwon POV]

I was awakened by the buzzing sound coming from my alarm clock. I was still feeling a little weak and my eyes are still puffy, maybe due to last night. I slowly opened them and reached for my phone only to see that it was already 7 am. How on earth did I slept this much?

I immediately went to the bathroom and took a quick shower and afterwards put comfortable clothes and went outside.

“Good morning hyung! Here’s your breakfast.” Ryeowook said as he handed me a plate with bacons and eggs on it.

“Gomawo wookie~ah!” I said as I dug in to the food infront of me, and soon after all the other members went outside their rooms and ate their breakfast.

I was almost finished eating when Leeteuk hyung spoke up.

“Okay, here is everybody’s schedule for today.” He said as he told us the schedule.

“How about me hyung? I thought I would have a photoshoot for ELLE today?” I asked.

“Your pictorial was moved the day after tomorrow, today is your free day, and you didn’t remember what day is today?” he asked, and then suddenly, all of them became quiet as my face became sadder.

As all of them went to their schedule, I prepare myself and soon after went outside. I go to the flower shop first and the lady infront greeted me.

“Good morning! What kind of flower do you want?” she asked.

“Just 1 blue long stem rose please.” I said as she went inside and afterwards handed me the flower. After which, I proceed to my destination.

As I reached the area, I could feel that my feet became heavier, and the coldness added to what I am feeling right now, and without realizing, I was already infront of her. I stared on her tomb as I put the blue rose in it.

I sat beside her tomb, and looked up in the sky.

“It’s been a year since you left me, and admit, everytime I would close my eyes, the pictures of you and me together keep on flashing back in my mind. I thought I could get over you, but I was wrong, it’s been so hard without you. Everything is so colorless. I tried to become busy with my career, but I was still longing for your touch. I was still dreaming every night that you are going beside me and comfort me and kiss my forehead. I still miss you jagiya.” I whispered in the wind.

I stayed there for a few minutes more until I noticed that the sky is getting darker and felt that the wind is becoming cold, and soon after, the rain pour down. I run on a tree to shed myself until it stopped raining until I noticed that there was a small white figure behind the tree. I thought I was dreaming as I approached her.

[Mitzi POV]

Slowly I opened my eyes as I felt the coldness around me. I looked at myself and I noticed something strange. Why am I feeling coldness in me? Then I see that I was wearing a long beautiful white dress, but it felt so real. Then slowly, I lift my head up only to saw the person I was long watching for. He smiled to me as he helped me stood up. Am I dreaming? Wait! I’m not capable of dreaming. Am I reincarnated? No! It can’t be! I was the angel of hope so there’s no way that I will be reincarnated. Only normal angels can be like that. But how could all of these happen?

I was still staring at him as I touched his facial feature. Is this really real? Then I suddenly felt weak and everything turned black.

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