Chapter 23: There's never a right time to say goodbye

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Hello everyone ^^, 

This is not the last chapter. :)



[Mitzi POV]

I yawned as I lay my head on Leeteuk shoulders as we watched the movie infront of us. Donghae, Kangin, Heechul and leeteuk are the ones here with me inside the dorms, while the others are in the hospital with Siwon. I actually want to spend my day there with Siwon, but he told me that I should rest more in dorms due to my pregnancy. I was against it but he still insisted so here I am right now, with these guys.

"Hyung! We're out of popcorn." Kangin said to leeteuk.

"I'll go get it." I said as I grab the bowl from him as I stood.

Suddenly, my tummy starts to hurt and there were fluids that is coming out of my dress.

I hold on to the nearest chair before I reached the kitchen as I hold onto my tummy.

"are you okay Mitzi?" kangin asked as I never realized his presence awhile ago.

I didn't have the chance to answer him as the pain in my tummy is starting to get worse.

"OMO! HYUNGS! DONGHAE-AH!" he shouted as the boys from the living room came rushing to us.

"yah! Why are you shouting?!" heechul said but he was stoped from his tracks as he saw me in kangin's arms.

"omo! What happened?! " leeteuk worriedly asked.

"I THINK HE WAS ABOUT TO GIVE BIRTH!" donghae shouted.

"I know fish! Stop shouting!" heechul scolded donghae.

" yah! Keep it down both of you! Get her bag!" leeteuk commanded the two boys as I was trying my best to hold on to the pain.

" MOVE BOYS!" he shouted again to heechul and donghae that makes them jump from being startled.

My vision was starting to get blurry as I tried my best not to close my eyes.

Is it right about time?

[Leeteuk POV]

"Mitzi! Look at me, breathe in.. breathe out." Kangin hold her hands as Mitzi tried to synchronize his breathing with him.

I was driving as fast as I could in the hospital as I heard kangin repeatedly told mitzi the same words over and over again. I was actually nervous, more nervous than the day we debuted as super junior. We never to expect it to happen today, I mean, although we are all expecting that Mitzi will soon give birth, but no one expects her to give birth today.

I slammed my hands in the steering wheel when the lights go red. Why in all days that the lights became red when we are in a hurry!

Suddenly, my phone vibrated from my pocket.


"Hyung! Hurry! Siwon was rushed in the operating room. He was coughing non-stop with blood awhile ago and he collapsed!" ryeowook panickly shouted in the phone.

"yah! Don't panic! We are also on our way to the hospital, Mitzi is also about to give birth!" I almost shouted as the light turned green and I put my phone to my shoulders to support it.

" WHAT?!!" ryeowook, this time, shouted and I could here the voices of the other members on the background like asking him what happened.

"I'll see you all there." I said as I hung up the call.

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