Chapter 11: Stormed Heart

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[Zhoumi POV]

My body was really tortured the past few days for the preparations of my solo album. There were recordings in the morning and cheoreography practice for the MV in the afternoon. Although it was a blessing for me to be debut as the new solo artist of our company, but I cannot deny the fact that it almost kill me.

Since I was busy, I was somehow relieved to know that Henry is staying with Mitzi since the whole Super Junior went overseas for the preparation of their new album. But on the other hand, I felt guilty on not spending more time with them. I was hoping that one of these days I could make it up to them.

Today, for the first time ever since I started preaparing for the album, I went back to the dorms early. So before I go home, I stopped by the supermarket and do some grocery shopping. I was planning on making dinner for all of us. After a few minutes of roaming around, I went to the cashier and paid my groceries and went back to the parking lot where I parked my car. But even before I could start the engine, my phone vibrated from my pocket, I grab it and saw a unregistered number calling me.


“Is this Mr. Zhou Mi?” the voice from the other line said. By judging the level of voice, I pressumed that it was a man.

“Yes, I am who this is?”

“I’m Park Kang Ji, police officer, have you known Henry Lau?” he asked. I was shocked to hear the name of henry coming from him. Does Henry got himself into trouble?

“Yes, he is a dongsaeng of mine. How did you know my number? And what do you want from me?” I curiously asked. Hoping that my assumptions were not true.

“Your number is on speed dial 1 of Mr. Lau’s phone. And I would like to inform you that Mr.Lau met an accident awhile ago in the intersection with a girl in his car”

As I heard him say those words, my eyes went wide and I started to panic.

“Where are they right now?” I accidentally raised my voice.

“Calm down sir, we already sent them to the Seoul University hospital.” He said.

I didn’t give him a chance to say anything as I hung up the call and immediately drove my way to the said hospital.

It was a good thing that the hospital is not far from where I am awhile ago, so I arrived on the emergency area after 10 minutes. I run towards the reception nurse and asked on what room they are assigned to.

“May I know what is your relation to the patients?” the nurse asked.

“I’m their brother.” I said, well, we may not be blood related but in any other ways, I am their brother and they are my dongsaengs.

After the nurse informs me the room number, I run as fast as I could to their room. As soon as I reached the front door, I stopped and catch my breath as I tried to calm myself first before I went it. Just then I was about to enter, the doctor goes out of the room.

“Are you one of the relatives of the patients?” he asked.

“Nae, how are they doctor?” I asked.

“Mr. Lau is fine now. He’s body suffered from physical trauma and had bruises all over his body, but it was not dangerous now, he will regain conciousness soon,  we already gave him pain killers and some medicines and just need to stay in the hospital for a week so.” He briefly said.

I felt relived upon knowing that Henry is not safe. I knew henry is a disciplined driver so it makes me wonder on how he could meet an accident in the intersection. But then, something is missing in the puzzle.

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