Chapter 26: Heaven By Your Side (FINAL)

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[Leeteuk POV]

" Kyu-ah! Please fix your tie, we'r going to be late." I said as I exited his room.

All of the other members are already downstairs while some, well, it took them time to prepare. For some quite reason, I understand what they feel right now. Their hearts are much heavier than their feet that is why they took a lot of time to prepare for themselves, so as the leader, I did tried my very best not minding them, atleast.

A few minutes had passed and we're all done and went our way to our destination. The whole ride going there is nothing but pure silence. It was like a sign of respect for our dear Mitzi. We all decided to leave the babies to my noona, Park Inyoung , that I'm most glad that she didn't hesitate to took care for them in awhile while we are gone.

We reached our destination, and the cloud sky is very calm. Just some of the members alighted from the van, Me and Donghae helped Siwon to his wheel chair as we entered inside the church.

All of the members, including me and excluding of Siwon personally arranged this place. It was full of white roses that best suited for her. Near the altar, lies the peaceful body of our dear Mitzi. Her eyes are shut, but there was a smile in her face that is like telling us that everything will be alright, eventually.

Some of the members are teary eyed and holding back their tears as we all say good bye to her. We all decided not to cry as we want to send her off with smile in our faces, but as of the moment, a tear fell down from my eye, as I was struggling with all the emotions of within me.

I stood up as the priest called for the Eulogy. Each one of us wants to say good bye to her, but with a united decision, we all decided to have one eulogy for her except for Siwon.

I wiped away the tears that stained my cheeks as I took a deep breathe before giving out the eulogy for Mitzi, our eulogy.

"Metherlence, or our dear Mitzi for all of us. Today, we will finally send off to a better place our sister who will forever had a place in our hearts. The moment she came into our lives, it was like a new door was opened for us. Her smiles brightened us our stressful days. Her comforting hugs became our santuary in those hard times where no one seems to understand us. She may look perfect in the eyes of others, but for us, we all knew that she is our angel. The angel without wings. Whose wings were broken because of us. But despite having those broken wings, she was a fighter. She faces all the pain in her heart while showing us that peaceful face of hers. We knew, that even up until her last breathe, her love for others still matters the most for her. So now, it's our turn our dear little sister. Let us show to your children the kind of love that you've let us all feel from you. So rest peacefully now, our metherlence."

There was a sobs that echoed inside as I cried, for one last time. Now everything sink in to me. As I recalled the last days I had with her, and the letter that she left for me.


I was alone, inside my room as I flopped down to my bed and started reading the letter that was according to Mitzi's brother, she prepared for me.

To my dearest Teukie oppa,

Annyeong! I know, everything is still not cleared to all of you and I'm so sorry if I left without clearing it off, personally. Oppa, can I share a secret with you? Did you know that you are my idol? Why? it's because you are strong. I admired how you managed people with different personalities. Even I, I can't imagine how will I be able to do it, but you can. Above everyone else, I knew that you are the most that I count on, always, and with that, if in case I happened to leave this world, I will entrust to you our house. Use it in whatever in your will. You could all actually transfer there and live there for good kkk~ anyway, thank you so much for everything oppa. I've grown enough on the days I am with you. If ever you felt that the world is going down, always remember that I always had your back. I will always be here for you. Till we meet again oppa!

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