y/n y/l/nRight now, we sat in chairs concluding Ji-min, Dae-su, Cheong-san, On-jo, Wu-jin, Joon-yeong, and me. Hyo-ryung sat at a table while Su-hyeok and Nam-ra were sitting somewhere else.
"Hey," I whispered, "isn't that where the teachers place snacks and drinks?" I pointed to the wooden door behind Dae-su.
"You think we can open it?" Dae-su asked.
I glanced at everybody else whose faces were filled with desperation. I shrug, "Why not give it a shot?"
I walked towards the wooden door and shook the door handle. It rattled, but it didn't budge. It was locked. "Let me try." Dae-su came and took over the door.
Soon, Wu-jin came and tried but we settled on not opening it. It was locked and we needed a key–which FYI we did not have.
"Urgh! Why do they need to lock this shit." I mumbled.
"Maybe 'cause they're eating it for themselves?" Wu-jin proposed.
I let out a sigh and sat back down. "I am so suing this school."
"Can you even sue it?" On-jo asked. "As in, like...are you in a rank high enough to do it? I mean, you're always broke, Y/n."
"Who cares? The world's ending, people are eating each other, and I can't sue a school? Might as well make the universe even crazier."
"Besides, I think anyone can sue a school high ranked or not." Cheong-san piped in.
My eyes drifted towards Ji-min who held a video camera. She lifted it up, leveling up to her face, and pressed record.
I watched as she started chatting, her face clenched with tears. Once she was done, I asked her to pass it to me.
I held the camera tightly and took a deep breath before speaking.
"Hey, mom, dad, JayJay," I smiled. "A lot has happened and um, who knew our world would become one of Netflix's movies?" I chuckled dryly.
"Um..I-I don't know where you guys are right now, but I hope it's better than where I am. Mom, Dad, you're probably not going to come to save me, considering how you treat me compared to JayJay, but I'll forgive you."
I look down as my eyes watered and my throat tightened. "W-we lost so many people, JayJay. So many fucking people. We lost.." my voice trailed off as I closed my eyes and controlled my breathing, "we lost I-sak. And Gyeong-su. I know how much you adored playing with him."
Seconds of silence passed and I cleared my throat, wiping my nose. "Anyways, urgh...I guess I'm ending the video. Please, be safe for me."
After everyone had their turn documenting themselves and soothing each other, they passed the camera back to me where I walked over to Su-hyeok and Nam-ra.
They both sat in front of the window, in chairs.
"Here," I slid the camera across the table, "if you want to say something to your loved ones...or vent."
They turned to me and gave me a light smile. "Thanks."
"No problem. How are you feeling?" I asked Nam-ra.
"Not so bad. I just wish they would trust me more." The girl looked at the group behind me.
I sighed. "As long as I'm here, I won't let them do anything to you."
"Me neither," Su-hyeok spoke, reminding me he was there.
Su-hyeok, being tied to Nam-ra hd to tand shen she walked towards the door. "I heard something strage."
Her face worried as she placed a hand on her face. "I hear it."
"What?" Su asked.
"What do you hear?" On-jo questioned as well.
Her eyes squinted, trying to make out the sound. "I-I think someone is puking."
I looked around the room. It seems like everyone was confused by this.
"It stopped." she updated us.
The zombie underneath the piano began to move. Goosebumps formed on my skin, making me shiver.
"What stopped?" I whispered.
"The sound of puking."
"Stop it." the girl stressed. "You're scaring me."
"Don't you hear it?" Nam-ra pressed on.
I tried my hardest to focus on someone puking but I couldn't. I turn to her and shook my head. She turned to Hyo-ryung.
"What? What?!" the pink vest girl cried.
"Are you scared?"
"Stop that," she asked shaking.
"It's just...you're the one breathing the loudest."
"You can hear that?" I asked impressed and freaked out.
Nam-ra nodded.
"All I hear is that fucking zombie." Dae-su spat, looking at the zombie under the piano in frustration.
Nam-ra examined the room before speaking up. "We should go. It's weird here."
"We can't just leave." Cheong-san said. "There are zombies out there."
I sighed. "Someone tell me why we didn't leave when the meditation was playing. Fuck,"
"Music.....wait- we have music!" On-jo exclaimed.
I frowned, my back hunching a little. "What music?"
The brunette turned to the video camera.
I wasn't too fond of On-jo's idea, but it was the best we had. No one else had a thought, so we settled on On-jo's.
We stack chairs on top of tables, and tables beside one another. On-jo's plan was to connect the camera recorder to the t.v, hanging on the corner. Once it's connected, we press on a video recording of our school choir, their voices loud enough to lead the zombies in.
The barrier was to seperate us from the zombies, once they come in, the hallways will be cleared giving us a chance to get to the roof.
I placed another chair on top of the table, exhaling shakily. The palms of my hands were sweating. The barrier looked unsteady which makes me nervous. A small weight was placed on my shoulder, the size of a hand.
He gently squeezed my shoulder, giving me a side smile. "Hey, we'll be okay. We'll make it out alive."
I gave him a small grateful smile until a memory comes back in my mind and I gasp. "Cheong-san," I whispered. He frowned and his eyebrows knit with worry, "I-I think I did this."
"What do you mean?"
"I did this!" I lean closer to him, "I wished that classes weren't so boring. I guess the universe heard because look what happened to our school! Our classes! Fuck, I jinxed it!"
The boy froze before chuckling and placed both hands on my shoulders, "Y/n, you have got to be the biggest idiot I've ever met." As soon as the last few words left, he resume in stacking the chairs and tables.
"Dickhead," I cursed.
A SHORT ASS CHAPTER GUYSi stayed 2 weeks at my grandparents
with no wifi, had to study bc its exam week
and literally drained so much energy by
studying.i had my maths and english and tmrw
is science, last day for exam—i am so
fucking bad at science so wish me luck 😭

til the end
FanfictionCURRENTLY DISCONTINUED RN ( may update in future ) ❝ 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐃𝐈𝐃 𝐈 𝐒𝐀𝐘 𝐇𝐔𝐇?? 𝐀 𝐅𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐙𝐎𝐌𝐁𝐈𝐄 𝐀𝐏𝐎𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐘𝐏𝐒𝐄 ❞ or three childhood friends but with two crushing on each other. y/n and cheong-san always had a friendshi...