Burn After Reading {Jisung + Seungmin} pt. 1/3

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WHY?!!! I don't know why but I've been so lazy lately 😫 I've literally just been laying in bed all day, I'm sorry if this isn't my best. I'm experiencing summer slump which is not fun at all nor is it convenient. Anyway, thank you guys for reading! I should update part two tomorrow!

Love ya bunches ☀️

December 20th, 2021

// Third POV //

Minho was forced awake by someone's annoying voice.

He let out a breath with strain; there was something heavy that was crushing his stomach. Turning his head up, Minho glared when he saw Jisung sitting on his chest, repeating his name over and over again like a chant.

"Kid, you have five seconds to get off of me."

Though he wouldn't ever share this directly with Han, Minho can't help but enjoy his best friend's cheeriness in the mornings. Most of the guys aren't morning people but Han, Felix, and Chris never hated getting up.

Jisung was keeping his humorous stature. As trainees, when they did get to sleep, Han was always in charge of getting the members up and moving. The leader never slept so for the members that did love a good rest, they would be startled awake by a squirrel-like face right in front of their eyes.

He leaned down, giving his hyung a slobbery, wet kiss on the cheek which he knew that Minho despised.

Lee Know slapped Han's butt. "Watch it, Han Jisung."

"Don't be a buzzkill, you drill sergeant." The rapper often teased with Minho like this, he was the only one in the group who was allowed to. "C'mon, we're officially on vacation."

The main dancer heard this with open ears, he tried to go back to sleep but he continued to be pushed back up by his irritating little brother.

"Hannie, remind me why we don't keep you locked in the basement every night."

"Because we don't have one." Jisung sat up from his hyung's bed, reaching over to get his phone and coat. "Now, hop up, hyung. The car is leaving in twenty minutes."

"Have you been drinking?"

The question made Han stop in his tracks. He was jarred.

Minho was now sitting upright in his bed, staring straight at Jisung when he turned his head slowly.

"What? No, why?"

"I thought you were nervous."

Jisung itched his ear, sighing, his mood dropping. "I'm just trying to be positive, ok?"

Lee Know wished he hadn't have said anything and felt bad. He knew how hard it was for Jisung to confide in people, he shouldn't be making jokes.

"I'm sorry, Hannie." Minho softened his face, stranding up and walking up to his sullen dongsaeng.

It's funny how two very naturally distant people got so close. When they first met, Jisung thought that they would never be friends. Minho was a cold, strict mentor. However, as the kids have welcomed them into a life of brotherhood, he was starting to see how much he was becoming kinder, warmer, gentler. He was still not an open book, but nobody ever really was if you really think about it.

Lee Know still wasn't the best at being soft but he tried his hardest to show his emotions. None of the kids doubted that he truly loved them, once you become an adult, you start to feel love rather than just saying it.

Jisung's eyes were pale as they laid softly onto his hyung's heartfelt being.

"It will be fun. I'm proud of you for coming, I know it's hard for you, but I know you can do it."

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