XXX: The longest day in Imladris

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Imladris, 3018 TA, December 24

The next morning, everyone was busy finalising preparations to depart Rivendell on their adventure. The hobbits convened their own meeting in Bilbo's chamber to discuss the tiny quantities of meat packed and the need of obtaining more meat and concealing it in their knapsack. However, their flawless plan was thwarted when Frodo intervened.

"It's almost unjust," Pippin observed. "Instead of tossing the veggies, Elrond permits them to take our meat!"

"The meat is necessary, but without the potatoes, it would not be a complete dinner," Sam reminded them, noting that his preferred dish was not meat but potatoes.

"Yesterday, I dreamt that my task was accomplished," Frodo said, remembering the dream he had last night and how relieved he felt for a brief period in the morning when he awoke believing the ring had been destroyed. "I could relax here for a long time, possibly indefinitely."

"I wish you could," Merry said. "We all want the Ring to be undone."

Frodo came to a halt and gazed at his closest companions, who had accompanied him so far on the most perilous expedition of their life "I have difficulty seeing you all embarking on this quest. Such a terrible punishment. To sentence you all to go on this fruitless and perilous road."

"However, none of us are to be abandoned, even at Rivendell. We've travelled a long way together and encountered some hardship." Merry acknowledged "We want to follow."

"That is exactly what I meant," Pippin concurred. "We hobbits should and will stick together. I will go until they bind me. There must be an intelligent member of the party."

"You are already on your way," Sam reminded him. "We will go tomorrow at nightfall."

"Young Hobbits, your journey begins tomorrow, and you should be prepared and refreshed," Bilbo remarked softly. "I am unable to count the days at Rivendell since I am too old to undertake one more adventure."

"It would be ideal if you could accompany us," Frodo said, raising his eyes to his uncle. "I would not have to bear this weight alone."

"Yet, my dear Frodo," Biblo reminded him, "you are not alone. The fellowship of the nine will be with you, assisting you in your task."

For a while, the hobbits continued to speak and reflect about their previous voyage and the dangers that remained ahead; yet the virtue of Rivendell was such that all dread and concern quickly vanished from their thoughts. The future, whether good or bad, was not forgotten, but it lost all influence on the present.

- - -

Aragorn's dreams drew him into an endless night and kept him busy till daylight, regardless of time or sun. In his dream, her voice repeated, assuring him "The light of the Evenstar does not wax and wane. It is mine to give to whom I will. Like my heart." His eyelids remained closed, although he had awoken at this point. He lay in Arwen's room on a chaise.

"Am I asleep," Aragorn said as he opened his eyes gradually. He grinned as he raised his dark eyes to meet the brilliant blue. Arwen rose above him, running her fingers through his curly hair and returning his smile. "This is a dream."

She did not respond, but gently leaned against him, allowing her lips to rest on his, and kissed him. They were their most innocent and vulnerable selves at the time of the kiss. For a long while, her lips pushed against the rangers' until she broke the kiss. "Then it was a pleasant dream."

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