LXXVI: What once was... has returned

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Falls of Rauros, 3019 TA, April 3rd - 6th

Legolas opened his eyes, and, out of habit, his gaze took in every aspect, ultimately settling on Xena, who was still sleeping across from him. They clothed and rested on their covers, with Xena falling asleep and Legolas merely shutting his eyes to relax his mind and senses. It was an uncommon occurrence for him to discover the human profoundly asleep since he had witnessed her sleeping many times. She was always a light sleeper, and her hearing was sensitive to a wide range of noises, even those that humans could not often detect. As she struggled in her sleep without recognising it, she seemed to be experiencing a nightmare once again today.

The falling snow touched Xena, causing her skin to crawl in horror. In this new dream of hers, everything was clothed in white, including herself. Heavy snow drifts encircled her feet, trapping and dragging her down. It seemed as if the elements themselves were collaborating with the gloom. In the distance, a wolf howled as if to corroborate her notion. She strained under the weight of the snow and began to tremble as she felt herself being drawn down into the snow.

She began to perspire. She detected the bitter aroma of burning in the air. She could almost taste it on her tongue, and in the whirling obscurity of falling snowflakes, she pictured the perplexity of her loved ones, who were lost in the raging blackness of flame and smoke. As soon as she realised she was stuck in a dream of darkness, she battled to escape this nightmare.

The instant she realised she was in a dream and attempted to flee, the snow and her surroundings turned to ash as a result of being forced away by another source. She was suddenly set free as she heard a familiar voice whispering. "Nai tiruvantel ar varyuvantel I Valar nu vilya... [So be it that you will be protected by the power of the Valar under the sky]" The nightmare became nothing more than broken images and she found herself at this moment connected to everything around them. "Xena, lasto beth nîn, tolo dan! [Xena listen to my voice and return!]"

Finally, she opened her eyes and saw Legolas kneeling next to her, his palm resting on her cheek while he spoke elven words she could not comprehend. Despite the intensity of his furious look, Xena was pulled into the moment as he regarded her with wide eyes. His severe frown was of little assistance. Her hand located his and grasped his in hers.

Legolas was visibly distressed, and what he had battled to prevent and desired would occur in an instant. Before the darkness, the Firstborn of the Children of Ilvatar could instantly discern if a person was married or unmarried by reading their eyes and hearing their speech. However, the darkness that descended over Arda altered the hearts of Middle-earth, and the phrase 'read at once in the eyes and voice' became a myth and was long forgotten by the new generations.

And they possessed what came from love itself and the independence of each fëa, which was a secret of the Children of Eru's nature. Elves married just once, with only a few recorded, very exceptional examples. Being married and being in love were interconnected since two Eldar in love would be joined together and each fëa would have a unique connection to the other.

Noldorin relics that they could transport with them. And they were fortunate to own it. In love, the union of two souls occurred mostly between elves and never between elves and other races. Legolas was born in Adra and belonged to a gentler and distinct generation, yet he was familiar with the conventions and traditions of his kin. And it was evident that a connection on such a profound level with the human was impossible.

Legolas abruptly ripped his arm away and rose in a single move, turning his back on Xena without uttering a word and proceeding towards the horses. His haughtiness and audacity may easily be used against him to backstab him. He wished to maintain an open mind and overlook the fact that he was an elf, something that could not be ignored or forgotten. He deceived himself into thinking there was nothing but the attraction between him and the human.

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