LXI: Morning Games

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Edoras, 3019 TA, March 6

Xena remained up till the early hours of the morning in the spacious bedroom. She was now clad in her armour, and her once-beautiful gown lay torn on the enormous bed. When the windows of her room were open, a surge of chilly spring breeze flowed through the currents. She was incapable of guessing and did not care how unladylike she seemed. She knew she was clean and prepared for the next battle. That is why everyone awaited the call for the next battle, waiting for Gondor to request assistance. It seemed absurd, but the command came from the king of Rohan. And the others complied.

She was unable to sleep, and since the sun's first rays had shown, she decided to spend some time with her horse. In a former life, she had trained Argo to listen to her whistling, and the untamed horse eventually complied after much effort. Now it was time to train the horse she had been given. She named her Argo, and the elf told her that she liked her new name. And surprisingly, Xena accepted it. She was not amused by it, nor did she find anything humorous about it.

Moments later, she found herself outside the stables, where other Rohan riders were already caring for their horses. She passed them and arrived at Argo. The horse trotted once as she detected Xena's approach. She unlocked the stall and released her. Xena murmured, "You're going with me, girl," and Argo followed. Together, they walked outside the barn till they reached a much more open area. Thereafter, Xena began training her gradually. Initially, it seemed as if it would be impossible. It took more than a year to train Argo, but she could begin immediately. And she would instruct her during their leisure time.

She questioned what had made her feel calmer and appreciated her time with Argo. She was upset at Legola's behaviour last night. The elf briefly convinced herself that he would end up sleeping with her. Today, she considered it ridiculous, since the elf did not have such enticing ideas. He was five hundred years old, and she was certain that several she-elves had unsuccessfully attempted to sneak into his bed. How could he lose his composure and approach her?

She knew that he would not comply. First, since it was evident that he had no such sentiments for her. Second, she was human, and although she was neither elf nor did she grow up in Middle-earth, she was certain that the notion of her repulsed him. And what about her? Her inner voice asked. Was she curious about the elf? Obviously not, since she arrived in Middle-earth without such ideas. She had more pressing matters to address than such trivial sentiments. Right?

Xena would not lie, he was a damn great kisser. For someone who was a virgin, the damn elf knew how to bring those lips and tongue to use. She could not decline that the strength of his body was one of the kind as well. However, that was not the only thing, he was handsome, in ways that bewitched her. And his scent was intoxicating. But beyond all was his demeanour, that pride of his and confidence, the way he carried himself. It had gotten her attention since the first day they met. But Legolas was not only that, he was a trusted friend, and her saviour many times.

Xena trained Argo and was spacing out thinking about the elf and did not pay much attention to her surroundings. Because If she would have, would notice that one of Rohirrim, the one called Éadwine had seen her in the stables and followed her. The woman was unarmed and gave all her focus to the horse. It made him approach her with the intention first to talk to her.

"You know how to tame a Rohan Horse, my lady," Éadwine said suddenly as he appeared from the west parts surprising Xena, "There are a few horsemen who can train our horses."

Xena turned and faced him acknowledging that it was the Rohirrim from before, she recalled his rudeness. "I am familiar," she answered and faced away from him and stepped next to Argo.

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