XL: Truths of Mirkwood

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Halls of Mirkwood, 3019 TA, January 15

The Elvenking sat on his wooden throne, his brow furrowed in anguish and his mouth biting in dread. The elves who had accompanied his son to Rivendell had returned and handed Thranduil bad news. He had sent a battalion of loyal elves commanded by his son to report Gollum's escape to Lord Elrond. His son, on the other hand, was now a part of the vital and perilous journey to destroy the ring of power and assist Middle Earth. Sending his son on such a mission enhanced the king's honour, but worried the father. Everything was not well. He was aware of it. Legolas should never be sent to Rivendell. He had sparked a chain of events that would bring Legolas nothing but darkness and suffering.

To be honest, Thranduil was preoccupied with more pressing matters. Orcs, goblins, and numerous other evil creatures had upped their assaults to the point that he was forced to re-establish old ties. Glóin and his party seemed to have visited his Halls after the return of his son's party. After a few days of deliberation, Thranduil and Glóin decided to unify their forces and combat the evil spreading throughout Mirkwood. Glóin emphasised the need to include Dale in this arrangement. Additionally, the Elvenking concurred.

Indeed, dwarves, humans, and elves all have a pretty shady history. However, when the adversary became stronger, they were forced to join their forces or perish. The Elvenking's allies included the moonlight elves. He wasn't sure how long he could continue to trust them. Dínenion paid periodic visits to Thranduil, reminding him of the blood pledge. However, war was now upon them, and marriages and oaths had been temporarily forgotten, or at the very least postponed.

The woodland remained always inhabited, and the soldiers of Thranduil were still protecting the eastern end of the Forest River's Elvenking's Halls. The remainder of the troops scouted the remainder of the boundaries, slaying any evil creature that stood in their path. His troops were without their leader, who had been replaced by Tauriel. The Elleth had made a triumphant return to Mirkwood.

Tauriel had several detours and adventures before locating Kili's mother. She kept her word and presented the dwarf lady with the stone. She revealed that her son gave his life in order to rescue her. She informed her that she had fallen in love with Kili and that he would have her heart for the rest of her life. Until the day she would join the rest of her clan on their voyage. Years later, when she found herself with nothing else to go, she returned to Mirkwood. Thranduil, on the other hand, stated she was barred from Mirkwood. She was imprisoned after a few months of punishment. The Elven-King changed his mind, and the Elleth was reinstated as captain.

Thranduil stood tall, his silver cloak concealing his slim body, a crown of berries and scarlet leaves adorning his head, and he motioned Tauriel to approach his throne. "Was it your desire to see me, my Lord?" Tauriel inquired as she approached the throne, her gaze fixed on Thranduil.

"I asked of you," he added, his gaze dropping to hers, "have you talked to the men that accompanied Legolas to Imladris? Is there any update?" He bent over his seat and took a cup of Mirkwood wine in his hand.

"Yes, I have," Tauriel answered studying at the Elvenking who was now sipping the wine of his cup so fast, "Legolas is part of the Fellowship of the Ring. They were chosen to help a hobbit to bring the Ring to Mount Doom, where it will be destroyed."

"Then the One Ring was discovered? And Elrond decided it should be destroyed?" Thranduil inquired thoughtfully, scratching his jaw.

"Yes," Tauriel assured him, "it has been discovered in the possession of a Hobbit, Frodo Baggins. That is why Elrond desired the council. I think you made the correct choice, my lord."

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