C: The wedlock of Elessar & Undómie

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Minas Tirith, 3019 TA, June 21st

It would be a middle summer wedding in the late afternoon. The area faced the breathtaking sunset against the top of Minas Tirith. At the end of each seated aisle, jasmine-scented candles hung from naked tree branches. Spread down the aisle were white leaves, as far as the eyes could see, slightly moist so they wouldn't crack when stepped on them. Maidens and all kinds of workers were running up and down, making sure every detail was set. Long tables, chairs dressed in white, meat, vegetables, and fruit were decorated along with the tables. Wine and beverages were placed across the long tables. After the wedding ceremony, a big feast would be held with food and music.

Arwen held the wedding bouquet ready for the ceremony, as her hands twinged with sweat. She was nervous. Incredibly so. Although, the daughter of Elrond acted cool and calm all day long. She organized every detail of her wedding with Aragorn. She was ready and happy, for their wedding ceremony. Yet, now few more moments before the wedding, everything changed. Her heart ran like crazy, and could not be stopped. Her eyebrows frowned in worry and impatience. She glanced at the bouquet ready to keep well away from the plants which were still beautifully deadly. They carried an otherworldly trance. She gulped.

She could see the flowers too many times, she could never get tired of their sweet fragrance. Each one was a delicate bloom, no matter if it was a formal garden or a wasteland. Their petals were delicate works of art and their hues were medicine for her soul. Her wedding bouquet was not any different. People told tales about how rare elven flowers grew like weeds in the gardens; mint green jade vines with their unique claw-shaped flowers bloomed among the rich, deep colors. Arwen's bouquet was made of such unique flowers, as special and glamorous as her.

Today, was the day Arwen got her own fairy tale. She wanted a tale of 'and they lived happily ever after.' What's wrong with that? Why start a life of love by thinking about death? She choose Aragorn, as her husband, knowing that he was her soulmate. And so much more. And she was not wrong. She did the right thing when she agreed to live a mortal life. They would be together in this life and beyond.

Doesn't love to endure forever?

For nearly all his life Aragorn had waited for this moment; the day that he was going to finally marry the woman of his dreams, Arwen. During the war of the ring, he believed that they could never be together. He had spent the night with Legolas and Gimli drinking his last night that he would be on his own. The twins joined them later on and they had a very loud fest in his study room. Arwen had noticed and was upset, Aragorn was having fun and she was trying to hide her anxiety. She could not allow that to happen to her, she summoned Xena and Éowyn and they had their own little fan.

Aragorn had spent a horrifying morning with Elrond offering him advice on what not to do, and Arwen wished she was dead when Galadriel ended up in her chamber to speak to her about the art of the seduction. Thankfully Xena showed up and saved her, and later on, Aragorn was saved by Legolas. For the rest of the day, the close friends were not seen as Legolas hid Aragorn inside his room, and Xena her sister inside hers.

Those were relaxing times, the war was almost forgotten now, even if battles still remained to be won and alliances to be signed, those goals could be accomplished. And today everyone was ready to relax and celebrated with the King and his Queen as they were getting married. Blessing times would follow, peace and harmony would slowly rise around Middle Earth, and the darkness would be slowly forsaken.

Gandalf stood in the center of the aperture on the summit of Minas Tirith. He motioned for everyone to rise. In front of her was a walkway carpeted with white rose petals. Her father greeted her when she took two steps out. He led her down the aisle, which seemed to go on forever. He became her strength; she would swoon without him. The guests stood and gazed at her and her stunning bridal gown. Aragorn stood in front of them. Her future husband, her life's love, her everything. He stood straighter, shoulders back, and his gaze fixed on her.

Elvish cloth, silk, and lace were used to create the bridal gown. The design was contemporary and outlined with Elvish skill. That is, it featured a tubular bodice, a low waist that was gathered all the way down to her toes, long elvish-style sleeves, flared lace over-sleeves, a low U-shaped neckline, and a beautiful chiffon veil with embroidered borders. Everyone in the room, notably the lady, noticed it.

The bride had a few more steps to do before reaching the Groom. The guests were becoming more acquainted with her. Faramir, the Captain of the White Tower, and his wife Éowyn were present. The couple had a tiny wedding in Rohan a week prior. They rode across Rohan on their way to Gondor. It was a tiny gathering. Faramir and Éowyn didn't want anything overly spectacular. King Éomer, Gimli, and Legolas, the King's most trusted companions, sat next to them, aggravating Gimli with his queries. Legolas was dressed in a silver tunic with a darker outline and leggings below. His hair was nicely coiffed, and he wore a circlet around his head.

Lord Elrond embraced her at the end of the aisle and assured her of his love. He then introduced Arwen to her Groom. Her father grinned as he put her hand in Aragorn's. Arwen and Aragorn stood in front of Gandalf as a pair. Lord Elrond patted the King on the shoulder before turning around and walking away. That was his way of saying hello. The couple seemed thrilled and excited; it was their special day. Their expressions were filled with joy.

Gandalf was waiting for that moment, for a very long time. After all the darkness they were through the war and the pain. Finally, there was a small break for happiness. And Aragorn deserved it, as much as Arwen. "Dearly beloved..." the wizard said casting glances all over the open area "... we are gathered here today to witness the King and the Queen join together in holy matrimony..." He went on with his speech until it was time for them to exchange their vows.

Aragorn was dressed in a black and crimson velvet robe. In the midst of his garment, a white tree was drawn. He was dressed in a crown. The King was beaming with glee. When he initially started uttering his words, his voice was unsettling. There was a brief pause, followed by quiet. A tear fell from Arwen's blue eyes, followed by another. She was sobbing. Those were happy tears. She could not have imagined such a relationship a few months ago. And now they were ready to take the next step in their marriage. Her vows came next.

More hush descended over the area. The sun had almost set, and the night had begun. The hues of the sky were more than stunning. Everything, from the design to the text, was perfectly placed. The ring bearer stepped forward to offer the rings. Choose Gimli to deliver the rings, Aragorn. Gandalf first put the silver elfish ring on Aragorn's finger, then on Arwen's. The magician inquired "If anybody has any reservations about the marriage! Speak now or eternally remain silent." Nobody said anything. After a few minutes, Gandalf continued "With the authority granted to me, I now declare you man and wife. You are permitted to kiss the bride."

Aragorn leaned forward and kissed Arwen, starting tenderly and ending a little deeper and wilder. Arwen flushed slightly and leaned in closer to him. Everyone applauded for them. Shouts and shouts erupted as the groom grabbed his bride's hand and walked down the aisle to the dining area. For the festival to start. The guests followed, and the long tables were quickly full. Finally, loud music began to play. People were dancing, while others ate and drank. Children raced around the tables. And the party had begun.

All night long, they ate, drank, and danced. Merry and Pippin, as usual, sing and dance across the table to Shire melodies. Sam and Frodo spoke with Gandalf for the whole of the night. Aragorn and Legolas spend most of the night conversing as well. The Ellon detailed what had transpired when he went after Uagz, or what he could recall.

That's how the night went. There was a lot of chatting, eating, and dancing. There was also some drinking. Everyone enjoyed themselves. The wedding of Aragorn and Arwen would be remembered for many years. It was daybreak when the festival came to an end. After saying their goodbyes, the newlyweds disappeared into their bed-chamber. In such rooms, they would spend a day or two. They each have their own motives.

((Upcoming Chapter One-Hundred-One))

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