LXXIX: Forsaken Caverns Part II

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Falls of Rauros, 3019 TA, April 6th

Elladan and Elrohir were four days ahead of Xena and Legolas with the rangers of the north, and they were now returning to the spoken path they originally meant to travel. A group of Haradrims was assaulting a neighboring village, and the rangers halted to assist them. After Sauron's defeat, several Haradrims persisted in a few locations, terrifying anyone who crossed their paths. However, the bulk of Haradrims were returning to Harad because they hoped for peace and had nothing to do with the conflict.

They had reached the Field of Celebrant when they noticed two familiar horses. They smiled as the horses got closer, moving at a fairly quick pace. They then noticed something that wiped the smile from their face. It was replaced with a frown of concern. There was no one sitting on the horses that followed. The twins were just about to turn away when they realized that and stared a moment longer to confirm that fact.

"I know those horses," the elder son of Elrond spoke as he rode after the horses and his brother followed. It did not take long to reach the horses and stop them from the horrifying encounter they had. Both twins unmounted their horses and walked over to Argo and Arod. They whispered to them words of comfort in elvish and waited until the horses slowly calmed down to show them where they have lost their masters.

After a little respite, the horses galloped back to the incident site. They would need two days to reach the Falls of Rauros. When they arrived, they would discover several orc and goblin corpses, but neither Legolas nor Xena. And after much discussion and investigation, they would discover that they had fallen into the depths of Rauros.

Fortunately, the twins were aware of what lay under the Falls of Rauros. They did not leap after Legolas and Xena, although they were familiar with the cave openings. The assignment to ride to Imladris had been neglected, and it was now necessary to pursue them. They could not predict what they would encounter in the forgotten caverns' darkness, but they would be there if they were able to find their way out.

Meanwhile, in the growing darkness of the unnamed caverns, the pair was still hiding from their attackers. Legolas appeared to be haunted by the knew of his mother's death, and his misfortune was not able to remember anything. No one should ever suffer the pain of such memory, and the elf as well, it felt wrong for a being as pure and beautiful to be haunted by such thoughts. And the awareness of the loss of his mother was always there, like the darkness, but the elf always managed to cope with his emotions. But not today, his old age, experience, and wisdom, could not make him withhold his despair of the loss of his mother.

Next to him sat Xena, trying to eye who was attacking them, she was still angry with the annoying elf. His previous words had hurt the warrior princess, and although she could understand why Legolas was drawn in despair, she would not go easy on him. But for now, they had to find a way to defend themselves, from the unknown source. The pair shared a serious glance before they drew their blades and decided to face their doom.

The perfect moment was when the shooting of arrows ceased and Xena with Legolas had only managed to grab their swords and leaped from their hiding place. It did not take long to acknowledge their attackers, it was orcs. But orcs that were forgotten in time, were very skinny and almost dying creatures. For a moment Legolas paused thinking it would be any threat as they were starving. Though if those were starving orcs, then Xena and Legolas were meat. And the thought was ignored.

The orcs seemed in shock as well, it was centuries since any soul had fallen in those caves, and most of them were already dead. And those that remained were not able to fight. The only one who seemed to have the will to threaten but not fight was their leader. The fight was hardly a fair one. The human and the elf were enough to take care of that group of dying orcs.

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