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Hello again!
I wont stall, let's get into it. I didn't see Hunter yesterday, so I came back after school today.

You draw the same spell circle as before.
— — —
— — —
"Bye Y/n! Bye Mittens!" Ed and Em call simultaneously, a teasing tone as they waved to their sister.

"Bye guys!" You wave and Amity rolls her eyes.

"ugh, they're so annoying sometimes." The younger girl groaned.

"they're not that bad," you attempt to comfort her and protect your friends.

"I don't know how you could choose to spend time with them." She looked up at you before crossing the street.

You laugh as the memory flashes forward. Past you's voice quickly dissipating.

It was still morning. It was the weekend already, so Amity's shift was longer, and went over lunch.

You both arrived at the library. "Thank you, Y/n." Amity waves again. She grabbed her card and walked towards the children's section.

"Bye Amity!" you waved and headed towards the wild magic books. Perhaps Hunter would be there?

You arrived and sighed in disappointment, no one. You turn around, Luz has been bugging you to at least try to read one of her Azura book.

You could try to find a table to read the one she leant you..

As you exit the isle, someone walking towards the same table bumped into you. His head deep into one of the books.

"hey!" Hunter stuttered, lowering his book to face you. "oh, it's you." He said, not quite an apology but what did you expect from him?

"Oh, hi Hunter!!" you smile, almost going in for a hug, you restrained yourself and bent down to grab one of the books that fell from his arms.

"hi," He responded cautiously.

Weird, you thought, i thought we were cool.. he seemed happy the other day..

"Didn't see you yesterday, were you on a mission or something?" You laugh.

"uh, yeah.. just a robbery near Epiderm, had to take care of it." He said a little stiffly as he took the book back. "thanks."

"mhm!" You hummed happily, "that sounds cool. What are your missions usually like?" You ask, heading over to a table.

He followed you, feeling it was a little rude to just leave. "uh, usually just chasing petty thieves, bringing in wild witches. Not a lot of bad crimes with Emperor Belos in charge." He stated as he sat with you at the table.

"interesting, you really look up to Belos now dont you?" You smile and lean a little over the table from your seat, hands linked with your head resting on top.

"uhm, yes. I always have." Hunter answered with a look of confusion, as if defending his loyalty to his uncle.

"i suppose so, i remember before sometimes you would say some not so nice things about your uncle." You lean back again.

"huh? what do you-" Hunter was cut off.

"Y/N!" Two voices interrupted simultaneously. A wave of 'shh's' soon followed.

You jumped, "Oh my Titan! Guys!" You whisper yelled, "shut up we're in a library!" You laugh.

"yeah, yeah," Edric waved his hand in dismissal.

"whatever, we're just here do drop something off." Emira gestured to the lunch box in her brother's hand.

"agh!" you face palmed yourself, "i knew we forgot something! sorry." You laughed again.

"no worries N/n, we had to come back here later anyway." Em smiles before the two look at each other with a smirk.

"anyway, who's this?" Edric changes the topic and looks at Hunter.

"This is Hunter!" You smile and dramatically do jazz hands as they look at him. "We're old friends. Hunter, this is Edric and Emira Blight."

"uh, hi." Hunter looked up and waved plainly.

"weird, we've never seen you before.. What school do you go to?"

"Uh, Epiderm?" He said quickly.

You look at him weirdly. "huh? but-"

"what're you doing in Bones Burrow? Isn't Epiderm all the way up at the Knee?" Emira interrupted you.

"It's not that far," Hunter laughed uncomfortably, "Just came to visit Y/n" Hunter looked past the greenettes at you with a smile.

You could feel your face heat up, especially when the twins turned back with a smirk.

"well! we should go give this to Mittens!" Emira grabbed Edric's arm and dragged him down a few shelves.

You both watch them leave.

"Sorry," You laugh, "they can be.."

"chaotic?" Hunter raises a brow with a small smile.

"yeah.." you smile too. "what are your friends like?"

Hunter's smile dissipates. "uh, i don't really have any friends.." He looks back at his book.

"what? but you were always so good with people!" You take his attention away from the words on the pages.

"huh? really?" He asked.

"Yeah! Plus," You walk over to his side of the table, "we're friends now. So you have at least one." You put a hand on his shoulder with a smile.

"yeah.." He smiles.

"Now, whatcha reading?" You ask and pull a chair out next to him.
— — —
The memory fades away. You look at the pages of your magic journal.
— — —
So! that's what happened earlier! We ended up talking for a few hours. I heard Ed and Em got kicked out with a human for making a mess.

Me and Hunter left at closing time together, it was earlier than usual because of the Wailing Star. I invited him to come watch with me, Ed and Em. He said he didn't know if he'd be able to make it.

I said I'd save a spot for him anyway. Then we went out separate ways. I'm getting ready for it right now, but Ed and Em said they can't make it.

Something about sneaking into the library with Luz, their new human friend. They invited me, but i'd rather not. Hunter might go and i don't want him to think i stood him up.

Plus, Ed and Em don't sneak into a library unless they're gonna cause some trouble. Id rather not be banned for life.

How else will i meet up with Hunter? Just kidding haha.

Anyway, gotta go!


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