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they beat that little professor's ass.

I'm honestly really proud of them. They all did so well!! Especially for a new team with barely any practice time.

Viney got a little heated when she saw Jerbo on the other team, she was barreling toward him for his flag and they both ended up falling.

Willow got knocked off her palisman but she created a bush for herself. Gus got knocked off trying to push Hunter so he could win the game.

Hunter did get the flags on, and everyone cheered. Me and Viney poured some red juice over his head.

I offered to take their team photo, but they insisted on a selfie with me included. It was very sweet, when i tell you i teared up, i teared up. :')


day is officially fucked up

Hunter decided to reveal that he was The Golden Guard. He tried recruiting everyone against their will, and locked us up.


it really hurt..

maybe it's stupid, but i really thought that dream I had was some sort of sign that we were bound to get closer.. romantically, you know?

The head of the Abominations Coven came by to pick us up. He was taking us to the castle but Hunter stepped in. He realized his mistake, and let us go. Trust still broken.

he waved at me cause i kind of stayed back while the team was leaving, i don't know why, but i didn't wave back

i just turned away

was that too mean?

i feel like it was..

i don't really want to see him right now.. (this happened yesterday, currently lunch time, im in the cafeteria)

i think i'll just avoid the library for a while, hang out with the twins a bit more

i feel like we've grown apart lately..

probably cause of Hunter..

anyway, updates will come soon! bye journal.

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