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937 40 41



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You were fidgeting with the strap of your bag and biting your lip nervously. The single crutch Luz found in The Owl Lady's trash making a popping noise on the ground that you were determined to focus on.

Amity looked you up and down a couple times, and about two minutes into your walk to the library - which was taking longer than usual with the crutch - she seemed to have decided that she had all the evidence she needed.

"what's going on?" She asked.

"huh?" You asked, slightly startled.

"Mhm, see that? you're so jumpy today, nervous too. You keep messing with your jacket zipper, your bag, and your legs are shakey." She gave you a pointed look and crossed her arms as you came to a stop at the end of the sidewalk.

Also, damn, she's good, you didn't even realize you doing half of those things.

"Okay, maybe i'm not so okay? i'm just a little nervous."

Amity nodded, "Is it your parents? Sorry, Luz told me what happened."

you nodded, seeing the device in her hand, a yellow cat in an oval shape, like the one you saw Luz on after school the night before.

"yeah.. i feel like they might find me cause of how often i go." Your eyebrows knitted together in thought while you began to walk across the street.

Amity nodded, following you, "why are you always there?"

"oh, i thought i told you, sorry Amity." you laughed a little, "I just have a friend I hangout with over there." The slightest blush soon followed. You didn't notice how you started to get lost in thought after that, but Amity did.

"does that friend have to do with you being nervous too?"

You sighed, "maybe a little."

Amity's hummed in response, you could feel your guts get all tingly as you approached the steps of the library.

"well, I wish you luck Y/n. i'm sure whatever happened between you and your friend can be worked through." She smiled warmly, "and not that you need it, but I'll help get you out of your parents do find you here."

You laughed, "thanks Amity, i'll see you later!" You waved and she waved back as you walked your separate ways.

You were taking deep breaths over and over again as you tried to stop the shaking.

Eventually you caught a glance of gelled blonde hair, he must have just been on a shift. or he's taking an unscheduled break in the middle of one.

You tried to speed walk to the table before he could see you. But of course, those stupidly quick instincts heard your steps. And the crutch. it was probably the crutch. CURSE THE CRUTCH. CURSE HIS INSTINCTS.

"Y/n?" You heard him call out.

You were already blushing, how were you supposed to pretend the whole kiss thing didn't happen?!

You turned slowly, his ears and cheeks were a light pink.

"Hey, you! Hunter! yeah, how are you?" Your voice was strained.

'this could not get anymore awkward.'

Just as you thought that, you tried to lean on a bookshelf, but miscalculated where you were standing and almost face planted. You had to step with your bad ankle, causing him to step closer to catch you.

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