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741 35 17

Things were going smoothly.

You were extra help if anyone found Raine and Lilith.

Eda was on stage, her curse working it's magic! or.. anti-magic magic? You still couldn't believe she had gone through with the plan and gotten a sigil..


Belos disappeared, and the eclipse started. Raine and Lilith's sigil began to glow, it didn't seem to hurt them too badly, thank titan.

About five minutes later, Raine smiled at their wrist, "it's getting weaker, Eda's doing it."

You grinned and stepped away from the cave opening. Maybe you wouldn't have to step in after all!

Just as the thought went through your mind, abomitons and scouts found you all. You drew a large circle in the air, knocking one of the scouts out of the way with a plant spell Willow taught you.

you attempted to wrap the Abomitons with more vines, but they captured you. Raine was brought to the stage, everyone else were put in bubble cages, where you were forced to watch.

Darius and Eber Wolf were fighting the other Heads, you drew another circle and guided a bit of abomination goo you left in the cave to hold the Plant Head down.

You pulled out a small woodwind instrument, a recorder. It didn't have the prettiest sound, but it was the only thing you were able to bring.

You blew a crisp note that seemed to stutter at first. The Potions Head stumbled a little as he tried to stay awake. However, Eber Wolf was threatened with a scalpel by the Healing Coven Head.

You pulled the instrument away from your lips, a gasp escaping them.

They swapped out Eda and Raine while the group talked a little. Eda looked like she might be crying as the Abomitons grabbed her and threw Raine into the spotlight, which glowed a bright yellow. It seemed like it physically hurt them, as well as Darius and Eber, however Terra looked happy.

"Hello! Paradise!!" You heard her cheer.

The older witches around you held their wrists and stared at the sigils, worried about their magic being drained.

in a panic you tried to cut away at the bubble with your abomination goo. You formed it into a sword and tried to pop it, then you tried slicing at it. Now you were using it as a whip.

The Coven Heads were growing worried on the stage, and their light columns went dark. They must have figured out what was happening. What Belos' true plans were.

The Healing Head's scalpel fell to the floor with a clank, and you could barely hear Terra's voice. You turned and saw everyone dropping to their knees, your friends looked tired and pained. You turned back around and put more strength into your hits.

The crowds seemed to have noticed too, they tried to run to the exits, but all the Abomitons had stopped them, enclosing everyone in another huge bubble.

You were sweating, almost drained after using so many different spells. You gave the bubble one last good smack and it popped.

You were squished under the groaning witches, knocking the air from your lungs.

Looking up at the orange sky, you could see the eclipse at it's apex. The sun's golden glow creeping out behind the darkness of the moon. Ribbons of yellow light swirled up from everyone's sigils. It was horrific. You could feel your heart sink to your feet and your stomach was buzzing with nervousness.

Your friends managed to move, allowing you to breathe and stand up. You trapped the last Abomitons that stayed with you and the others in more vines.

Then ran up the steps.

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