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hey y'all!!

thanks for reading this entire thing!!

i had no idea how much love and support i'd get when i came up with this story

i honestly thought a lot of this was too cringey, corny, or cliche, but you guys seemed to like it lmao

This is unfortunately the end, although, once season three comes out, (it's currently August 2022 as I'm writing this in my drafts) and depending on how the show ends, i could come back and make a happy ending! If y'all want lol.

in the mean time, i'd appreciate if you guys checked out my other books, I have an on going Amphibia oneshots book with a few requests I've gotta do

if you have suggestions for that, go ahead and leave em here! (or if I haven't gotten to one you've left in the comments of that book) They don't have to be Amphibia, I could make another one shot book if I've watched the show lmao

Also, if  you guys could vote on which story I should start next that'd be great!

- Edric fic (im lowk really excited about this one-)
After The Collector dealt serious damage to the Boiling Isles, Edric and Emira went mad trying to find their younger sister. Neither gave up, but Emira tried to do her part in the CATTS to help and protect other survivors. Edric wasn't sure how to help, and honestly couldn't deal with the fact that the majority of his family was missing. So after realizing that the team was low on food, he went out to hunt. This led to him being captured, but eventually saved by Y/n. 

-Hunter/Eda/Raine/Luz fic (I put an announcement up for you guys to vote, but here it is again with more context. Of course depending on which character is chosen, the story will change a little.)

Hunter version : Y/n, a wild witch who was causing problems for the Emperor, has been put under the radar of the Golden Guard. He tries numerous ways to bring them in, but ultimately ends up trying to befriend them. Hunter is constantly conflicted between his devotion to the Emperor's Coven, and his relationship with Y/n. 

Eda/Raine/Luz version : 

Y/n was a soon to be promoted Emporer's Coven scout.  Lilith, having failed her mission of capturing The Owl Lady, gave them the perfect opportunity. To prove themself worthy of a higher position, Y/n was sent undercover as (depends on the character). However, after wriggling into their targets life, they find how messed up the world really is, and start to believe their supposed enemies beliefs. Unfortunately, their duties come first, and they attempt to kidnap (insert character).



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