ɛxƭɛռɖɛɖ ɛռɖɨռɢ

282 14 53

You made quiet steps through the halls of Hexide. 

You felt, hollow. 

The building you stood in now felt hollow. 

The former students, now refugees, of The Boiling Isles squished into the school. A mob mentality on the verge of taking over. 

Boshca's dictating was getting on your nerves, even more so because they all listened to her. What power did she hold that put her above everyone?! Her popularity?? Which has little swing when the world was literally ending around them. 

You always left the conversation around this point if the topic was brought up, because the other person would usually point out that she was also the Captain of the Grudgby Team, so she must have good leadership skills. 

But come on.. is Grudgby really the same thing as surviving the apocalypse?! 

An uncomfortable routine had set into your life. 

Wake up, get your ration of rotting food. Talk to Mattholomule about ways to improve living conditions within Hexide. Escape to the outside 'in search of other refugees and food,' when in reality you just hated being cooped up with sad, angry, tired teens and children. Come back to switch shifts with Mattholomule's team, get another ration of 'food.' Then walk around the school and try to diffuse arguments, to keep the peace. 

Each day held new surprises! (New ways to be annoyed). 

Today, you were marching along near the entrance of Hexide, and found happiness, for the first time in forever. 

"GET DOWN!" You screamed, a demon about your age swinging on a rope as if it were a vine in the jungle. "YOU'RE BEING IMMATURE, AND YOU'RE GOING TO BREAK SOMETHING." The week's - no - month's frustration bubbling to the surface. 

The teen kept swinging and before you could get another word out, the doors flung open. 

On guard for a break in your hands drew a large circle in the air, but it was just Mattholomule's group returning. ... Way too early.. What was going on?

You lowered your arms and felt your entire body short circuit as the glow revealed the group standing at the door. 

You were moving before you realized it. 

His blonde hair was grown longer, messier than before. His outfit was a little ridiculous, but you didn't really care. Eye-bags deeper, and his eyes brown instead of the strange, beautiful magenta you loved, but you would have him no matter how different. 

"Hunter?" You croaked out hesitantly, standing in front of him. Only then did you feel the tears, the shaking, and horrible burning in your throat that would visit you every night. 

He smiled, "Hey.." Was all his wobbly voice could manage.

He looked tired, and up close it seemed like he had gotten new scars. You reached out and took his hand, squeezing it with all your might, which wasn't much thanks to the tears and shock, as if to test that he were real. Because hell, how could you be sure it was?

Your fingers traced up his scars, "you.." The tears seemed to react to you trying to speak, spilling faster now. 

"I'm okay." He reassured,  the rough skin of his hands cupping your cheeks. Your hands followed, holding him there, scared he might fly away if you stopped holding him. "You've seen better days too." He half laughed, thumb brushing under your eyes. Sleepless nights resulted in dark spots for you too. "the eye bags are my thing, stupid."

You practically jumped forward at that. Arms wrapping around him.

There really were no words to describe how you felt. 

"I really, really, missed you.."

"I know." He dropped the non-chalant joking attitude then, squeezing you tight, "I missed you too." Planting a soft kiss to your forehead. 


Your friends kindly gave you both a moment to yourselves without mocking you - for now - before introducing you to Mrs. Noceda, Luz's mom. You gave them all tight hugs, teary eyes blocking your vision. 

"So you're the Y/n I'm always hearing about!" Mrs. Noceda gave you just about the tightest hug any stranger had given you. 

"From Hunter the most." Luz whispered with a smile and the others laughed at his expense. 

He stood with his arm around you, a blushing mess trying to signal them all to stop. To no avail. 

You were thankful for the comfort this slightly domestic moment could give you, all of you. 

"Oh, I miss Y/n!" Gus mimicked him in an overyly high-pitched voice.

"I wonder how Y/n's doing." Willow giggled. 

"I wrote this-

"SHUT UP!" Hunter cut Luz off. Leaving your shoulder to slap a hand over her mouth.

"This love let-"

He stopped Amity before she could help Luz finish. 

"You know, I did find your old journal, Hunter." You grinned down at him as he struggled to silence his sister and her girlfriend. 

"My what-" He froze. 

You unbuckled the thing notebook from the book-satchel that hung from your waist. Light enough you could run without it bothering you. 

You flipped through the pages. 

"You know? Your little diary. Like the one you used to mock me for having." 

He stood up, lightning fast, "oh." then he lunged, trying to grab it, but you dodged, running around, waving it the air with him behind you. 


He caught up and held you in a tight hug from behind, almost completely red.

"Titan." Amity shook her head, pretending to be grossed out as she leaned into Luz. 

"I know right!" Luz followed her lead, "we're not even that PDA!" 

The group laughed and began to walk down the hall. 

You held Hunter's hand, book back in his other hand. 

"they were all very sweet." You squeezed his hand, the blush was fading, but still present on his cheeks. 

"thank you." he rolled his eyes in fake reluctance, before looking back at you. "I wrote more about you." 

"Really? I had no idea!" You wore an over-dramatic surprised expression, gesturing to Amity and Luz's earlier discussion. 

"yeah yeah, just thought about you a lot in the Human Realm."

You smiled, "I thought a lot about you too."



He paused for a moment, "You know, I think it's only fair that you let me read your diary-"

"Journal." You corrected, followed quickly by, "and no!"

You pulled away with a laugh, but he pulled you closer, "Oh come on! Please?"

You just kept laughing as he pleaded. 

"that's so not fair!"

"Fine! Okay, you stupid baby."

He grinned, "I missed you." he said. But it felt more like an 'I love you.' They kind of felt synonymous at that point. 

"I missed you too."

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