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So in the end, none of you watched the parade. You all sat in the playground structure since no one was there.

You sat with one leg in criss cross applesauce - is there any other way to say that? - and then other extended, your swelling ankle was not happy with you trying to chase the twins. Hunter got you an ace wrap from a pharmacy near by.

Emira kept sending pictures of you and Hunter, causing you to throw her scroll across the park in the middle of a conversation.

Hunter was getting along with Ed. They talked a lot about Beast Keeping Magic, and he even recommended a few books to the Blight. Emira asked a few questions about you two, often making you blush cause you knew she wasn't trying to get to know him.

Hunter? He was oblivious. He answered them like he was taking a test. Long answers with a few examples thrown in.

About an hour of sitting, talking, and snacking later, Emira got up, using the fakest excuse ever, and dragged Ed home.

"whaaat?!" She had put a hand on her cheek and held her Penstagram out. You couldn't see but you knew it was not a real call. "Amity is suddenly sick with the Fire Flu?! Oh yes, we'll be home right away!" She saluted to the fake person. She quickly stuffed the device in her pocket and grabbed Ed's collar.

"BYE HUNTER!" Edric called as he stumbled to stand and run after his sister. "WAS NICE MEETING YOU!"


You rolled your eyes with a laugh. "BYE GUYS! SEE YOU AT SCHOOL!"

At some point in the night, you'd found yourself leaning into Hunter's arm. You pretended you were just cold, and it was a bit breezy, but everyone could tell you just wanted to be closer to him.

"Your friends are cool," He said.

You turned to him with a smile, "i'm glad ya like them." you paused, "do you think they think it's weird that you're always here?"


"well, you told them you go to Saint Epiderm a few months ago, when i introduced you guys." you explained.

A look of realization washed over Hunter, he nodded slowly, "yeah.. kinda forgot about that.."

You laughed again, "oh well!"

"do you think they recognize me as the Golden Guard..?" He looked a bit panicked.

"uhmm, I don't think so..? i don't really think they'd care though." You turned to look at him.

He nodded as he thought, "Okay.." He turned to you as well.

Silence over took you both a few minutes later. Hunter had his arm around you as he stared off at the distant fireworks, the blush from when he first placed it there slowly fading. You leaned in closer to him as you thought about the day.

"are you going home later?" he turned to you again.

you sighed, "i don't know, i don't really want to.. i think i'll see if i can crash with Luz, i saw her earlier, when i ran in. she was on the roof!" You laughed.

Hunter chuckled, "alright,"

A small pause.

"thank you," You sort of surprised him this time.

"for what?" He turned to you in confusion.

"for earlier, you know, you're a really good person, Hunter."

He reddened a little, smiling bashfully, "I'm really not that great, but thanks, Y/n, you too."

You turned away from the sky, which looked beautiful, you liked the distant booming sound and echo of the fireworks. "Hunter, what do you mean?! you're an amazing person!"

He laughed.

"Hunter look at me." He did so, "You are an amazing person." You could feel the heat radiating off your face from how close you were. Or maybe that was him. "You help so many people as the Golden Guard. You're a great friend! You were there for me like an couple hours ago! You are sweet, cute, funny, smart, strong, and so much more! And we've only really started hanging out again for, how long now? like 6 months?" You laughed as he stared at you in awe, "don't put yourself down okay? No one is rude to my favorite person in the world." You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug.

"you.." His voice sounded hoarse, like he was about to cry, "you think i'm cute?" He laughed, you flushed as you realized exactly what you had said. "and i'm your favorite person?" You felt his arms wrap around you slowly, and tears fell from his eyes to the back of your shirt as he squeezed you a bit tighter.

You stuttered a little, "well, uh.. yeah." You now felt like crying as you held his shakey figure.

Once he calmed down and you could feel his breathing even out he said something else. "i think you're pretty cute too.. And you're my number one." He pulled away and you instantly missed how much warmth he gave you and the overall feeling of being so close.

Your cheeks were warm though. "thanks Goldie." You laughed it off a bit.

His arm wrapped around you again and you leaned onto his shoulder.

Eventually you had fallen asleep on accident. At about 5 am you felt Hunter shake you, the slightest bit of Sun started to rise. He was panicked and you soon remembered where you were.

Sadly, you removed yourself from his comfy embrace and stood in the cold park.


He looked a little frazzled as well.

"OKAY! I SHOULD LEAVE, AGAIN I AM SO SORRY!" You didn't plan to, or really mean to, but you leaned down to his still sitting self, and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. "GOOD LUCK AT WORK!" Then you took off. There was no school so you ran to The Owl House.

Only about halfway through your run while replaying the night did you realize what you did.

Did you regret it?

Not at all.
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it's like, really cliche, but i love that stuff

i thought it was cute and sweet, and i lowk thought i already posted it- lmao

anyway, hope y'all have a great rest of your day/night! don't forget to get some rest, eat a snack, and drink some water. Take time for yourselves cause you're all literally amazing <33

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