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938 33 12

soo lately i've been trying to forget my dream from the other night.

Things have been alright, anyway, here's some stuff from today
— — —
ringg ringg rii-

"Hello?" A sweet voice came through the Penstagram. She was a little breathless, she must've been training.

"Heyy Willow!" You dragged out the words, feeling awful about breaking a previous promise.

"Y/n? you okay? if it's about your ankle it's fine, really!"

You let out a breath, "oh thank titan, I'm so sorry Willow, i really did wanna help you with your Flyer Derby Team." You frowned

"Relax, you're still signed up, once you're all healed you'll have a spot! and you could watch us practice for now. Just take it easy." You could hear the smile in her voice.

"Okay, thanks, I'll see you at the Club Fair."


beep beep beep

You closed your Penstagram and stuffed it into your pocket. You could walk, - well it was more of a limp - but you didn't wanna hold back the team. Liability and all that.

"Luz? I'm heading out, you better hurry!"

"Coming!" She yelled and practically fell down the stairs.

She popped up quickly, "Love you King, bye Eda!!" She kissed the top of the demon's head, causing him to giggle, and waved to the witch in the kitchen.

"Bye kids!" She called.

"Have fun in prison!" Hooty yelled in his high pitch voice and shut the door - himself? - with a hoot.

You walked with the younger girl to Hexide, she was gushing at the 'good morning' text with hearts she received from Amity. You laughed, usually you'd tell her she was making you feel single, but not today! You weren't gonna tell her though, not yet.

Once you made it to the school, Luz saw Gus and ran off.

The Club Fair came quickly, which you were happy about. you went to sit with Willow and Gus at the Flyer Derby stand.

"Hey Y/n!" They said in unison.

"can't wait to fly around with you two."

Gus laughed a little nervously, "i haven't exactly figure out how to do it yet.."

"you'll figure it out, youre smart Gus!" You gave him thumbs up and he smiled with new confidence. "imma try to get people to come over here."

they nodded and you grabbed a couple flyers.

"Come join the Flyer Derby Team! You'll soar around the field, compete, get cute uniforms, face paint, and much more!" You waved the flyer around, your crutch leaning against the wall behind you.

"hey, is that injury from Flyer Derby?" A voice asked.

You turned then looked down at your ankle, you had an ace wrap around it, "oh, no, this is from something else. Injury is a little bit of a risk, but our Team Captain is good at catching."

"cool, injury is always a risk with sports," she laughed, "Did you guys need specific kinds of players?"

'wow this girl must be some type of athlete,' Her arms were fairly toned, 'maybe a grudgby player?'

You nodded, "right now, i think the main one is a strategist."

"Perfect! i'm pretty good with strategy." She smiled proudly.

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