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It's been a couple days, almost a week

we got in contact with Eda, her and the Owl House occupants are all okay!

She also talked to Raine.

They weren't actually working with Belos :D

they have a rebel group


Hunter, Willow, and Gus are meeting up with Luz to kidnap her girlfriend

lmao i'm kidding

they're saving her from her crazy mom
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"Y/n?" You could hear Hunter whisper. "Y/n??" he whispered more aggressively this time.

You groaned, "Hunter?!" You whisper yelled in frustration, "it's like.." You looked around the dark living room of Gus' house in search of a clock, moving the light-glyph-ball around with your hand to illuminate the room. you couldn't find one but guessed the time, "the middle of the night! you know we need rest for the mission right?!"

"Why're you so upset? you're literally writing in your journal!" he gestured at the pages, "fucking hypocrite." he shook his head in fake disappointment while you laughed, "Anyway, I need to tell you something."

"oh no.. you better not say some sappy shit because you think we're all gonna die." You dramatically fell backwards onto the blankets Gus and his dad laid on the floor for you both.

Hunter laughed a little, "i mean.. kind of?"

You laughed as well, trying to stay quiet because Gus was in his room across the hall, and Willow was in the guest room next to him.

"you know what? i have something to tell you too, Goldie."

"really?" He half smirked.

"yeah!" You smiled, "we have a fucking mission tomorrow!" You sat up and playfully pushed his shoulder with a laugh, "but hurry up and say your thing."

"okay okay." He rolled his eyes and his voice cracked again with a smile. He paused for a long while, seemingly more nervous.

"you gonna say it, orrr?" You teased.

"Titan, okay! one second." He took one more deep breath, "i.. i like you. Y/n." He said this with closed eyes, as if bracing for rejection, "You're the nerdiest and most annoying witch i know and yet somehow, my favorite person in the world." he smiled softly, looking down at his hands, "I know that this is a crazy time on the Boiling Isles, but I needed to tell you before we.. you know.. face my uncle and his master plan..! likely launching ourselves into certain death!" He had a crazed smile as he started rambling about how nerve racking the situation was. "i know Raine's plan is great, but we never know what Belos knows! he could have a spy in the CATTS! or have a scrying spell cast right now!" He gasped, grabbing your hands for comfort, "WHAT IF HE'S USING ME TO SPY ON EVERYONE?!" he whisper yelled.

You just laughed and pulled him into a hug. "I think you went a little off the rails there Goldie." you patted him on the back, "deep breaths, like Gus said, remember?"

He took a deep breath, counting with his fingers as Gus demonstrated earlier in the week.

"okay.. i'm okay.. thanks.."

"of course, Hunter." You reached your hand out, cupping his very quickly flushed cheek. His eyes went wide. You leaned closer, eyes closed, and kissed him.

A dramatic kiss goodbye.

it was quick, but you still felt the butterflies fluttering all around, and your body floating off the ground.

You pulled away with a red face, "I'll see you after The Day of Unity. After we defeat Belos." You said as you hugged him tight.

He squeezed you a little more, "so i assume you like me back right!" He questioned, you laughed and nodded, still hugging, "and i owe you a kiss when we get back."

You pushed him away and he fell backwards onto his pillow with a laugh.

You couldn't wait for this all to be over. So you could hang out like this all the time.
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