Chapter 2: The beginning

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Okay.. so this was about him! It's fine! He'll be fine, it's all fine it's fine it's fine.

He sucked in a sharp breath and dug his nails into his palms to stop himself from spiraling.

"I am sorry, Peter. But it's for your own good"

Peter frowned. "How exactly is this for my own good? As far as I know the damage is already done"
He saw Steve and Tony glance at each other out of the corner of his eye, probably pondering the meaning of 'damage'.

The voice let out a sigh, the sound echoing throughout the room. "After this, you can either choose to go back to your own time or you can return with everyone else"

Peter's eyes widened, a spark of hope igniting in his chest for the first time in months. He could go home. Not 'shitty illegal apartment' home, but home home. With May and Tony and-

But what if it was a lie? What if it was some ploy to get him to stay the entire time, dangling all he had dreamed about for months infront of his face before pulling it away...Expect disappointment and you can never be disappointed, right?

He took a minuscule step away from Tony, keeping his eyes low.

"Who are you two?" Bucky asked lowly, his body was tense as he looked over Ned and MJ. Ned froze, jaw hanging open slightly, MJ stepped infront of him slightly, chin tilted up.

Peter startled "They're fine! I promise you, Mr Barnes, they're fine" Peter could practically see Bucky's brain trying to decide whether to trust him or not. Eventually, he had apparently been deemed trustworthy, as Bucky forced his shoulders to relax. MJ still had an arm outstretched infront of Ned, prepared to shield him if necessary.

Peter's word seemed to be enough for the Avengers, as they sat down in the recently spawned cinema chairs. Strangely, there were a variety of treats and drinks (and also tissues, but Peter decided to ignore that part)

Tony turned to face him instead of following the others. His eyes flittered across Peter's face, taking in the variety of scars Peter had acquired since they had last met.

"Thought you couldn't scar" Tony said in a way that was far too concerned to be misread as casual. Peter shrugged.

"Can if it's deep enough" He stalked his way over to the seats, sitting distanced from the others.

Tony frowned and followed after him, sending a look to Clint as he sat. The guy had kids, plus he was a super spy, so he would be Tony's best bet on figuring out if this was some teenage rebellion or a trauma reaction.

Clint examined Peter out of the corners of his eye before signing to Tony, 'Hurt. Careful touching'

Tony eyes Peter out of the corner of his eye. He looked about as uncomfortable as a person could look. 'Emotional or physical?'

Clint looked around at the rest of the Avengers, all of which were watching eagerly. They had all learned ASL for Clint a few years back, but it was also very useful for situations like this. 'Both'

Tony seemed to notice the eyes watching and turned away, signing 'thanks' to Clint as quickly as he could.

"I don't think I know your actual name, kid" Steve said gently from his seat between Bruce and Tony.

"Peter Parker" Peter replied hesitantly, as much as his instincts were screaming at him to just shut up

"Cool name, Queens"

Peter looked at him in surprise, then let out a small laugh.

"Thanks, Brooklyn"

Steve grinned at him and turned away. This was progress! Already! Maybe soon enough the kid would be spewing out quips every twenty seconds like he did in Germany.

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