Chapter 4: The Spell

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The portal closes. Strange turns to Peter and grins.

Peter follows Dr. Strange downstairs into an ancient sub- level filled with crypts.

"Wow that looks so cool!" Ned whispered excitedly, MJ rolled her eyes at him but she couldn't fight the anticipation rising in her.

As Dr. Strange prepares items for the spell, Peter looks around, cautious

"So what is this place?"

"The Sanctum's built at the intersection of cosmic energy currents. We weren't the first to seek 'em out"

"Some of these walls are thousands of years old.

And they shot an episode of The Equalizer here in the '80s"

"Ah yes, the most important part" Tony said sarcastically, Peter frowned, feeling a bit stupid for not knowing what The Equalizer was.

"It's a spy show, kid" Tony whispered, noticing Peter's look of confusion. Peter nodded, not letting too much raw emotion slip onto his face.

"Well, I um... really appreciate you doing this for me, sir"

"Don't mention it" He looks up from the table "And don't call me sir"

Peter smiles "Right, sorry"

"You ready?"

"I'm ready"

"I was very much not ready" Peter murmured, wrapping his arms around his stomach stiffly.

"Nice knowing you, Spider-Man"

Dr. Strange begins to cast the spell, a golden ring of runes encircles them. Peter prepares himself, then pauses.

"Wait, excuse me?"

"The entire world's about to forget that Peter Parker is Spider-Man, including me"

"That's not too bad, just tell him again" Bucky pointed out, seeing the light in the situation for once. Peter winced, he had been selfish and it had cost him. Bucky noticed the wince and was about to brush it off when Peter brought his knees up to his chest and hugged them tightly.

He met Peter's eyes and quirked an eyebrow in question. Peter plastered on a small smile and nodded, Bucky stared blankly, letting Peter know his smile wasn't convincing.

"Everyone?" Peter steps forward quickly "Uh... can't some people still know?"

Strange winces "That's not how the spell works. And it's very difficult and dangerous to change it, mid- casting"

Peter begins to spiral, thinking out loud "So my girlfriend's just gonna forget about everything we've been through? I mean, is she even gonna be my girlfriend?"

"Is this when I forget you?" MJ asked, a hint of fear in her voice. Everyone tensed and looked to Peter for the answer, relaxing when he shook his head.

"That depends. Was she your girlfriend just 'cause you're Spider-Man, or-" Strange replies conversationally.

"I mean, I don't know. I really hope not!"

"Ah yes, insecurity" Clint sighed wistfully, as though remembering something from years ago. He slung his arm around Natasha's shoulders, ignoring her huff.

Peter's cheeks went pink and he began to find the number of bricks on the wall very interesting.

"All right, fine" He begins to rework the spell "Everyone in the world's gonna forget that you're Spider-Man, except your girlfriend"

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