Chapter 10: so this is it, thats how it ends

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Peter shuffled in the hug. He had no intention to move away but was prepared to if the others got uncomfortable. Surely they wouldn't be comforting him when they saw him trying to murder someone for the second time. Maybe they were only so accepting of him now because the incident had been pushed to the back of their minds.

J. Jonah Jameson is live on air.

"Him again ?" Clint groaned as he rolled his eyes dramatically. He was really getting sick of this guy- no. He was long since sick of this guy and wouldn't mind threatening him just a little.

The words he had said about Peter after his aunt had just died were still ringing through the archers ears.

JAMESON Ladies and gentlemen, the Bugle tip line has just received a call from none other than the fugitive known as Spider-Man! Fresh from his rampage in Queens. So Peter Parker. What pernicious propaganda are you peddling?

"That guy really likes alliteration, huh?" Bucky grumbled, running his thumb along one of the lines in his metal arm.

"Your english teacher would be proud, Buck" Sam said with a grin, he moved out of the way discreetly to dodge the inevitable fist that would be aimed at his head. He wasn't entirely successful.

PETER (V.O.) Just the truth.

JAMESON Oh sure...

The camera zooms into a restraint window, Peter's face plastered on the TV inside.

PETER The truth is...that this is all my fault.

Jameson hums.

PETER I accidentally brought those dangerous people here.

"What is your plan, Peter?" Tony whispered. He was, quite literally, at the edge of his seat. There was definitely a purpose behind this- and he doubted it was to ease Peter's guilty conscience- but was it worth adding fuel to the fire of hatred?

Jameson sits at his anchor desk.

JAMESON Well, he admits it!

Peter stands amidst scaffolding and plastic sheeting. He continues his FaceTime with Jonah.

"Where are you?" Steve asked, examining the scene as best as he could. Peter smirked at the irony of him being the one to ask the question but otherwise showed no reaction.

PETER And if those people are watching... just know that I really did try to help you. I mean, I could have killed you--

Peter holds up the box.

PETER (CONT'D) --At any given moment. But I didn't. Because my Aunt May taught me that everyone deserves a second chance. And that's why I'm here.

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