Chapter 7: Fixing

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Peter webs The Box.

"Don't!" Strange shouts

"Kid, this is a fully trained wizard, you gotta be careful," Tony said anxiously, sending Peter a look that said 'I think you're insane, but who am I to judge?'.

"And I have spider DNA, I was fine" Peter says flippantly as he leaned further into Tony's touch. He hadn't hugged the billionaire even before his death, aside from when he collapsed into his arms while dying and when he had just been resurrected. This was a welcome change.

MJ's lips twitched up a little but she managed to straighten them again before Peter saw.

Peter yanks The Box away and magics Dr. Strange into Sandman's cell

"Dude, what are you doing?" Ned asks

"Suffering" Peter said with zero emotion. Tony looked around for help, not knowing if it was genuine hurt or teen humor

MJ is more urgent "Peter, you better go. Go!"

As Peter takes off running, Dr. Strange frees himself from Sandman.

"This is why I never had kids."

"Yeah, Peteys a handful," Tony said humorously as he squeezed Peter's shoulder. Peter pulled a face and squirmed out of his grip.

"Don't call me that!"

"Why not?"

"Because it sounds weird," Peter definitely didn't whine when he said this.

Strange easily walks out of the cell, while Sandman runs into the transparent wall.

Everyone chuckled at Sandman's misfortune.

Spider-Man races outside with The Box and webs away right into a series of portals that appear before him.

He comes out of one and lands right back in front of the Sanctum. Dr. Strange glares at him.

Peter glared heatlessly at the screen. "I think this is an unfair fight"

"Should've thought of that before you started it," Bucky pointed out with a raised eyebrow.

"Give me The Box"


"Look, I love my kids and all but I hate it so much when they do that" Clint whined, dodging Natasha's attempts to hit him on the head.

"Do what, say no?"



Spider-Man tries to web Dr. Strange, but the shooter malfunctions... then completely disappears


Spider-Man quickly webs away with The Box. But his web flies into a portal... and out another... webbing his own foot. He's stuck, dangling between the two portals, struggling.

"Ouch" Bruce winced sympathetically

Using an Eldritch Whip, Dr. Strange pulls Spider-Man down and knocks his astral body out of his physical body.

"Woah what? What is that?" Tony interjected. Peter answered quickly

"He pushed my astral form out of my body, it didn't hurt. Don't worry" He tried a small smile at the end and felt a warmth flow through his chest as Tony grinned proudly at him.

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