Chapter 11: i dont wanna be alone

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"Yeah I think we do" Peter agreed, taking Tony's hand and towing him through the oak door.

Peter sat down first, not entirely sure what to do next.

"Wait, so what do we have to talk about?"

Tony sighed. "Kid I'm so, so sorry about May"

Peter made an 'o' shape with his mouth and nodded, this wasn't going to be easy but he might as well be honest.

"I- I really miss her" He admitted with a sigh. "And you" He met Tony's eyes for the first time, they were soft and comforting, nothing like the Tony Stark he so often saw on the news.

"She'd be proud of you, kiddo"

Peter laughed bitterly, shaking his head. "I almost killed someone Tony"

"But you didn't" Tony countered. Peter bit his tongue gently, just enough to feel a pang of pain, and admitted softly

"But I still want to"

Tony fell silent, staring at the wall.

"Did you know I almost killed Barnes?"

Peter startled and turned to face his mentor. "You did?"

"Yup" Tony said simply "It was after the accords, Zemo showed me footage of The Winter Soldier killing my parents. He was there, so I tried to kill him."

"But Steve stopped me, just like other universe you stopped you" Tony said and kicked Peter's shin gently.

"There's nothing wrong with you, kid"


Peter curled in on himself, covering his face with his hands. Because oh . He didn't know he needed to hear that.

"Oh kid" He heard Tony say softly as he moved to sit beside the vigilante. Peter inched towards him subconsciously, stopping when he noticed the movement.

Tony pushed Peter's head up with his thumb gently.

"Kid you were so closed off when we got here" He said gently, pushing to get the conversation over.

Peter winced at the reminder and gave a half hearted shrug.

"I just- I just didn't want to lose anybody else, Mr Stark." He took a deep breath, he wasn't going to let himself panic. "If I let myself get too close and then had to leave I..." He trailed off, because he had done exactly that. He has gotten close to everyone again. And now he didn't know what to choose.

Tony slumped slightly in his seat and put a hand on Peter's shoulder.

"You should go back to your time, kid"

Peter's heart stopped. "What? No I can't! I cant lose you again, Mr Stark I can't do it." He said in a rush

"You know what else you can't do?" Tony said with a heart wrenching amount of resignation, like he knew how it was going to end. "You can't fight Thanos again, you can't fight Mysterio again. Peter that would destroy you"

"So would losing you" Peter protested, eyes going glossy. Tony leaned forward and knocked on his head softly.

"But you'll make it. You always do"

Peter bit his lip. "I'm tired of losing people, Tony"

Tony raised a hand to Peter's cheek and wiped away the stray tear that had fallen.

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