Chapter 1: i wish that i could wake up with amnesia

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A groan slipped through Peter's lips as he gained consciousness, a pain shooting through his ribs as he sat up, a reminder of the crimes he had stopped the night before. He and Matt had stopped a smaller gang, they were stupid but they were good at fighting.

He looked around, making sure his web shooters were on and ready to be fired. He took note of the silhouettes on the floor, all of them still unconscious and tuned his hearing so their heartbeats were audible. He scanned the room for an exit. He found none.

He didn't have his mask on, but the red and blue suit was sticking uncomfortably to his body, almost glued on with both sweat and blood. He wasn't overly bothered, considering nobody knew him, but the mask would've been an added comfort.

He had just started to walk along the walls of the room, dragging his hands against it in search of a way out, when he heard somebody moving, their heart speeding up. He spun around, ready to shoot webs at them if they attacked.

He watched as they sat up and looked around, freezing when they saw Peter's shadow.

"You're Tony's kid, Spider-man?" They asked as they pushed themselves up.

Peter's breath hitched, both at the mention of Tony and the familiar voice.

"Captain" Peter said flatly, squaring his shoulders on an attempt to make himself look taller. Steve seemed to notice, tilting his head an inch in consideration, but didn't mention anything.

He stood up and walked closer to Peter, hand outstretched like Peter was a stray dog that could pounce at any moment.

"It's just me.."

Peter scoffed and Steve stopped a foot or so away from reaching him "Forgive me for not trusting somebody who's supposed to be dead"

Steve winced "I'm not going to hurt you, kid. I wouldn't of left if the world wasn't safe-"

Peter laughed "You thought the world was safe? Why do you think i'm being so mistrusting right now, Captain?"

Steve stopped, considering his words. Peter sighed and lowered his arms, too tired to argue with a 100 year old man. He scanned Steve up and down, noticing the time travel suit. He was looking around warily but still facing Peter, on edge.

"You're from just before you left?" Peter asked

"Yeah, you?"

Peter didn't answer. He began to walk again.  His Spidey Sense hadn't gone off, but considering the circumstances he figured he had every right to be cautious. "Do you know how we got here?"

Steve shook his head. Peter bit a piece of skin off his lip as he continued to walk. "This isn't me trusting you, you know"

"I know" Steve sighed, looking around again. He smiled, this time noticing Bucky. He kneeled beside his old friend and shook him gently.

It only took a few shakes for Bucky to wake up, maybe his metabolism burned through whatever knocked them out faster. Bucky's eyes shot open as he shot upright.

Peter tensed again from his position by the wall. Somewhere inside him, he made the decision to stop and watch the duo instead of looking for more ways out.

"Buck, it's just me" Steve whispered hastily, placing a hand on both of Bucky's shoulders. Bucky blinked rapidly, trying to clear his vision.

"Steve? Is this real? How are you alive?" He responded quickly, his eyes flittering about the room "Where are we?"

"The first two I can explain, the last one.." Steve trailed off with a helpless grimace. Bucky sighed and shook his head jerkily, trying to shake off the groggy feeling weighing him down.

"Who else is here?"

Steve looked over to the rest of the bodies. "Haven't checked yet, you noticed Peter though,"

Bucky hummed and got to his feet shakily. Steve watched him for a moment and seemingly decided he was alright and left to wake the others.

"Hey Parker"

Peter looked around at Bucky and managed a smile, he wasn't entirely sure what was happening or how they remembered him but he was planning to figure it out.

"You know anything Steve doesn't?" Bucky questioned, shoulders dropping when Peter shook his head.

"I think I know less" People weren't supposed to remember him. That was the deal. He was supposed to be at home, or fighting criminals somewhere, or working his ass off to pay for rent and food, not stuck in a room with a bunch of people he might not even know. Peter Parker was supposed to be forgotten.

"Tony wait I wouldn't-" Peter heard Steve and turned.


The air left Peter's lungs immediately, he was vaguely aware of Bucky's outstretched arm, ready to steady him if he fainted or something. Tony

Tony was- how was Tony there? Peter stepped back

"Nope! This is one to far, who are you?"

"Pete, its okay, it's me-"

"NO ITS NOT! WHO ARE YOU?" Peter yelled, losing his patience with his supposed mentor. Other people were getting up now, it made sense, that him and Steve woke first. They had enhanced healing and senses, and Bucky was easy to wake. It all made sense, except for how they got there and how people had risen from the dead.

"Peter! I need you to listen to me, you know time travel is real, yeah?" Tony said desperately, eyes flickering to Steve for a second.

Peter nodded, though his eyes were wide and his chest was rising and falling at an unsettling speed.

"Now I don't know how we got here, I don't know how I'm alive right now, but I know I'm very much real" Tony said, taking another step towards Peter.
Peter took another step back "Can you prove it?"

Tony nodded.

"You're Peter Parker, technically we first met at the Stark expo, you were a little kid in an Iron Man helmet who thought they could fight off a drone. I saved you and we didn't meet again until 2016. I was fighting with Cap and I knew you were Spider-man. I gave you a suit which you decided to hack into like the little shit you are-" He paused, looking at Peter to see if that was enough.

Peter's eyes dropped to the floor, he could hear the blood rushing through his veins, he could hear Tony's heart beating. His heart was beating-

Tony rushed forward, putting a hand near Peter's shoulder "Can I..?"

Peter nodded hastily and had his first hug in six months, and his first hug with Tony in over a year. He was shaking- literally shaking. When was the last time he had been touched? He let out a shaky breath, fingers gripping onto Tony's shirt subconsciously.

A heavily distorted voice rang out from the ceiling, startling Peter out of his trance. He backed out of the hug and looked around warily, building his walls back up.

"Before you freak out-"

"Great way to start a sentence" Clint quipped, making Peter suddenly aware of everyone in the room. He looked around frantically

"You're here to watch the past of one among you. This may be difficult for said person, so if you feel the need to leave and take a breather there is a room to your left."

As they spoke an oak door appeared, everyone looked towards it immediately.

Admittedly, Peter was tuning out most of what the voice was saying in favour of staring at the two people standing out to him the most. Ned and MJ

They were both looking around in awe, and Ned was stealing looks at Peter out of the corner of his eye, probably shocked to see Spider-Man without his mask

"Wait, who's past are we watching?" Bruce spoke up, startling Peter out of his trance.

"Peter Parker."


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