Chapter 3: An Idea

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In Happy's house, May and Peter enter with their bags in their hands. An alarm sounds loudly, and May rushes to turn it off.

Peter looks around, noticing Tony's old robot DUM-E in the corner.

Tony grins at the sight of his old bot, it was extremely outdated, but as much as Tony claimed not to be nostalgic, he had a soft spot for Dum-E.

Peter cheered a little when he saw Dum-E. The robot was cute, like a puppy.

May joins him, looking around. "Huh... it looks nice"

Happy enters behind them carrying bags and a plant.

"Welcome to the spiritual oasis! You like Donkey Kong Jr?"

"Yes," Ned exclaimed excitedly, MJ muffled him with her hand and mouthed an apology jokingly to the avengers.

In Happy's half-finished laundry room/storage space. Peter leans over the sink trying to scrub the green paint off his red and black suit. A radio broadcast plays in the background

"I'm not saying I don't want to honor the Avengers, but, you know, we're not doing it this way. You know, putting the Captain America shield on the Statue of Liberty? Nah"


Tony burst into laughter at the astonished look on Steve's face, placing a hand on his shoulder in faux sympathy. Natasha smiled cheekily, enjoying the embarrassment of her friend.

"It's better than the PSA's" Peter piped in, causing even more laughter to emerge from the group.

Steve paled and sent Peter a weak glare. Peter shrugged in return, grinning so wide his cheeks hurt.

Tony slung an arm around Peter's shoulders and leaned in "Pete, you have to show me every single one of those"

For once, Peter didn't dwell on their future, he simply nodded with a laugh.

The green paint isn't budging. Peter sighs as the radio continues

"That's gonna look ridiculous! Leave the Statue of Liberty alone..."

"Yes!" Steve exclaimed loudly "Please do,"

"Wait until you hear about the musical" Clint said with a mischievous grin. Tony looked close to bouncing in his seat, while Steve looked humiliated.

"Am I in it?" Tony asked eagerly. Clint nodded

"We all are,"

"Am I handsome?"

"You're as handsome in it as you are in real life" Bucky offered, unable to hold back the retort. Tony raised his chin slightly

"So yes?"



Peter grabs a nearby tarp and dries his hands, before looking back and noticing what the tarp was covering. It's a large case, with STARK printed across it.

"Oh Happy..." Peter sighs

Later, Peter and MJ are talking on the phone.

"Did you send in your applications yet?"  MJ asks softly. Peter smiles and answers

"Are we finally getting a cute scene?" Bruce asked hopefully, looking to Peter and MJ. MJ shifted in her seat, unsure of what to say. This all seemed believable, but wouldn't she have remembered by now?

"Kinda," Peter said with a small smile

"I literally just finished my MIT one. You?"

MJ nods "Same"

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