Chapter 6: Green Goblin

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Peter didn't dare to breathe. There was no way... He got to his feet slowly, watching as an almost shy smile unfurled on MJ's face.

"Are you joking?"

MJ stood up and had to lean on the chair to support her wobbly feet. "I'm not joking"

Every thought left Peter's head until the only one remaining was a loop of 'MJ, MJ, MJ'. He started towards her, at first walking, but when that proved to be too slow, he ran forward and swept her into his arms, spinning her in the air.

MJ wrapped her arms around Peter's neck and held on tightly. Funny, she hadn't been able to pin the aching despair that she had been feeling for the past few months until this moment. Until she had Peter back.

Peter dropped her gently on the ground and cupped her face in his hands, eyes taking in every detail as if there was any chance he could've forgotten them.

"How do you remember me?"

MJ placed her smaller hand atop of Peter's rough ones. Her eyes welled with tears

"I don't know," She admitted in a hushed whisper "I just- accepted that what you were saying was true, I suppose, and it was like a tidal wave of memories just..." She shrugged, smiling.

Peter's face broke into a grin. He leaned in by an inch, and MJ's smile grew. She closed the gap between them.

All eyes were on them, but it didn't matter. All that mattered was the safety, love, and affection each felt radiating off the other. Six months worth of emotions built to one moment.

"I love you" Peter said as they broke apart. MJ lowered her hands and wiped away one of her tears that had escaped from her eyes.

"I love you too" Their foreheads touched.

Peter didn't know the last time he had felt this...content. He was surrounded by most of the people he loved, and they all remembered him. All but...

He turned to Ned, who was watching with an almost horrified integument. His eyes widened when they met Peter's

"I don't-"

"It's okay" Peter didn't let him finish his sentence, because he knew what it would be. If Ned remembered he would be standing up beside him and MJ, he would be grinning wide and holding out his hand, ready to perform their handshake. He knew all of this, and he despised it.

When Ned nodded bashfully, Peter looked to the others in the room- mainly Tony. He was watching with a bordering on sickly fond smile. He was sitting up straight, holding himself with a strange amount of pride considering he hadn't said a word for the last few minutes.

Peter smiled a genuine smile. It felt foreign, but familiar. Like a warm blanket that hadn't been used in years. He nodded at Tony, who returned it, smile widening.

Peter was prepared to have to fend off teasing remarks, but as he looked around all he saw was relief. Relief that what? That MJ was back? The worst certainly wasn't over, though having MJ would help substantially.

He looked to where the screen had paused on him and Sandman. They had a long way to go.

MJ seemed to sense his train of thought, as she grabbed his hand and squeezed it once before letting go.

"We should keep going, right?"

Peter nodded "Right"

MJ lowered her voice "You go back to Tony, I'll stay here" Her eyes flickered to Ned, who was watching them still. Peter nodded again and returned reluctantly to his seat between Tony and Bucky. Though still giddy with excitement, he couldn't wait for this to be over.

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