Chapter 9: Spidey Huddle

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The screen flickered wildly, drawing everyone's attention towards it. Peter slowly pulled away from Ned and MJ, eyeing the screen cautiously. He didn't trust whoever brought them here and he didn't even want to think about how they got the footage.

The room plunged into darkness, setting everyone on edge. Peter could hear the clicks of guns as people got ready to defend themselves. He put an arm out to push MJ and Ned behind him, prepared to attack at a moments notice.

Two thuds.

Peter closed his eyes, focusing fully on his spider sense. There was a pull. Peter took a step forward without even noticing it


He shook his head, stepping forward again. The others seemed to hear him moving and stayed in place, trusting him to take care of whatever it was. He could freak out about the level of trust later.

The red came into view first, then the blue, then-


The confusion in the room was evident. Most people were thinking that he had been spelled, or cracked under the pressure of watching his life. The confusion grew at Ned and MJ's sighs of relief.

As Peter crouched down the lights flickered and lit up the room again, revealing two suited figures half conscious on the ground.

One seemed young enough, older than Peter but younger than the other person. Their hair was sticking up randomly and they had a small butterfly strip on their face. Their eyes were shut but their fingers were twitching slightly

The other was half awake, already sitting up. Their hair was more tidy, though probably less than usual due to their unwilling appearance. They looked about forty.

"Hey you with me?" Peter asked tentatively, not wanting to scare them any more than they most likely already were.

"Peter? Where are we?" The oldest one replied groggily. He stood up, taking Peter's hand once it was offered. Everyone bar Ned and MJ were staring at him curiously

"Uh..multiverse. They're both me" Peter offered simply with a shrug before crouching down beside the remaining person.

"Morning" He whispered in a slightly sing song voice, shaking the remaining Peter's shoulder lightly. Their eyes shot open before they landed on Peter.



"...Where are we?"

"Yeah I was wondering that too" The oldest Peter spoke up from where he was now standing awkwardly by Ned and MJ.

"Oh! Um- a theatre technically, except none of us paid for tickets, we didn't sign up to be here and instead of a movie we're watching what happened on the stature of liberty."

They both blinked before the younger one spoke up.


"Wait so you're all Peter Parker?" Tony asked, breaking the silence coming from the rest of the group.

"I mean..yeah basically" Peter responded without looking at Tony, instead he focused on helping his counterpart up.

"So if there's three of you what do we call you?" Clint questioned, raising his hand like he was in school. He figured it was easier to just roll with it than think about the logistics. "It'll get weird if we call you all Peter"

"Well we gave ourselves numbers" Peter suggested, looking to the others to see their reaction.

They both shrugged and Peter took that as a go ahead.

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