Chapter 218

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Chapter 218 (One more)

    Lin Yi didn't answer, because he thought it was too funny, so he kept laughing.

    Lou Wenhao had no choice but to focus on Lin Dong. If he couldn't figure out the situation now, he would be a fool.

    Master Lin did not say whether he was really a master.

    But Lin Dong must know some inside information, and he believes Lin Dong more than Master Lin.

    Although they are business rivals and business partners, and they don't have any special friendship with each other, no matter how Lin Dong watched them grow up, he would take care of them.

    Lou Wenhao knew that Dong Lin didn't find him at first because of his grandfather's illness.

    Obviously because of his status as the 'male protagonist' and Lin Rong's status as the 'male second'.

    I have to say that Lin Rong is really miserable.

    No wonder he suddenly fell in love with a woman who was not worthy of love. He was obviously not the type of love-minded person before, but he suddenly changed his personality.

    Really miserable.

    Forced to fall in love with people not to say, in exchange for wisdom.

    However, it is precisely because of this that he has the opportunity to cooperate with Lin Dong.

    He really doesn't want the identity of 'male protagonist'. He feels creepy just thinking about living in a book. Maybe at a certain time, he will like Lin Rong against his will. alone, or do something he doesn't want to do.

    Just thinking about it is disgusting.

    Lou Wenhao couldn't help thinking, if Lin Rong recovered, he would be pissed off.

    He said seriously: "Uncle Lin, no matter what you want to do, I can fully cooperate with you."

    With Lin Rong around, Lin Dong will definitely try his best to solve this matter. In this case, his problems can follow. solve.

    Lin Qi said, "Aren't you afraid that I will trick you?"

    Lou Wenhao chuckled, "You already said that, you are my uncle. If that's the case, how could my uncle harm my son."

    Lin Qi smiled and didn't answer.

    How could the uncle betray the nephew?

    Not to mention unrelated uncles like them, even those who are tied by blood don't want to be pitted.

    However, Lou Wenhao was right.

    He's funny at most, let alone the pit.

    Didn't intend to do something sinister.

    Lin Qi knocked on the handle of the chair, "Master Lin has enough of laughing?"

    Lin Yi got up from the ground, patted his butt and sat on the chair, "Enough is enough, today is a happy day, look at this kid For the sake of making me laugh, I grant you a request."

    "..." Lou Wenhao was not very happy.

    So his dignified male protagonist has now become a funny plaything?

    However, in front of the big guys, he really couldn't show his prestige, so he tried to squeeze a smile, "Thank you, Master Lin."

    Lin Qi reminded, "For the sake of your being my nephew, I would like to remind you that you can Don't make random requests."

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